

Li Bihua’s Imagination of Hong Kong

【作者】 王霏

【导师】 莫海斌;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 香港是多重意义上的边缘,李碧华则是边缘的边缘。1985年,李碧华在这个特殊敏感的时代关口上发表的处女作《胭脂扣》,却在文坛上刮起了一股“怀旧”之风。“性别”是《胭脂扣》的一大主题。在这部小说里,李碧华致力于探讨男女之间如何建立一种新型的良性互动关系。这恰恰表明了李碧华宽容、温和的性别姿态,而非传统意义上的女权主义者。“香港意识”是《胭脂扣》中另一主题。在“九七”回归的背景下,刻画港人的真实心态,是《胭脂扣》的一大特点。而李碧华在文本背后,更一针见血地指出这种心态的虚妄,以及港人在重构“香港意识”上的努力与受挫。本文采用文本解读的方法分析李碧华的作品《胭脂扣》。全文共分为四部分,第一章绪论,主要阐述李碧华的生平及创作情况,并介绍目前国内外的相关研究现状和发展趋势,以及本文的撰文动机与研究范围。第二章和第三章具体分析李碧华小说《胭脂扣》中的两性关系与香港意识的重构问题,并分析其“重构”本身的虚幻性和讽刺性。最后是结论。总结李碧华在《胭脂扣》中是如何自我颠覆两性关系与香港意识的重构,以及在重构背后的李碧华的创作心态。

【Abstract】 Hong Kong is marginal for many reasons, and Li Bihua is more.In 1985, which was a special and sensitive era, she published the maiden work---Rouge. The work didn’t only turn out to be a runaway best-seller quickly, but also called for nostalgic feelings in contemporary writing of Hong Kong immediately."sexuality" was a topic in Rouge. In the text, the author---Li Bihua didn’t strongly emphasize the sexual relationships of opposite and paradoxical. Actually, she had only one aim----discuss how to set up the new sexual relationships of benign and mutual. And the new sexual relationships just showed that she had a tolerant and gentle attitude to sexual problem, which is different from conventional feminist."The consciousness of Hong Kong" was another topic in this novel. "The regression of Hong Kong in 1997" would come true, and people of Hong Kong had what attitude toward the historical thing, which became a strong attraction. Behind of the text, she pointed out directly and cruelly that the attitude of self-deceiving is illusive, and great effort of reconstructing the consciousness was unavailing.The paper will try to use the way of textual analysis and interpretation on Rouge. This paper is composed of four parts. The chapter one: introduction, mostly elaborates author’s life and creative writing situation, and introduce the correlative study of Li Bihua’s novel at home and abroad currently as well as the motive and study area of this thesis. Chapter two and chapter three: concretely analyze the sexual relationships and reconstructing the consciousness of Hong Kong in Rouge, and treat the question on the reconstruction which has illusive and sarcastic in itself. Last part: conclusion. In this part, I will summarize how Li bihua subvert the sexual relationships and reconstructing the consciousness of Hong Kong in Rouge, and in the same time, make clear Li Bihua’s creative writing attitude behind the reconstruction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1485

