

The Study on Writing Feature of LiangHoufu’s International Comments

【作者】 刘镇彬

【导师】 林如鹏;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 旅美华人梁厚甫(1908—1999)是著名的作家、评论家。20世纪60年代至90年代初期,他的国际评论常刊登在香港、新加坡的报刊之上,《参考消息》在一段时期内亦曾经常转载梁文,海外报人在国内知名度之高,难出其右。梁厚甫的国际评论主要论述的是当时美国或者国际上重大的政治、经济、军事问题,这对于其读者了解世界大势提供了丰富的资讯。梁厚甫的国际评论在写作技巧上甚有特色,引人入胜,这也使得梁文吸引了大量读者,广为人们所喜爱。但可惜的是,对于这么一位优秀的国际评论家,目前国内尚无学者对他进行深入、系统的研究,这对于梁厚甫本人、喜好梁厚甫评论的人,乃至中国新闻史,都是一种遗憾。本论文主要就梁厚甫的国际评论的写作特色进行研究。因此,本文在这部分分为三部分展开,通过梁厚甫具体的评论作品,分别从微观、中观、宏观三个层次对梁文进行不同角度的探讨和分析。其中,在微观的部分,文章主要是探讨梁文在语言运用上的特色;在中观的部分,文章主要是探讨梁文在说理论证上的特色;在宏观的部分,文章主要是探讨梁文在结构层次上的特色。以此,希望本论文能对人们了解梁厚甫国际评论特色有所帮助。

【Abstract】 LiangHoufu(1908—1999), the Chinese lived in America, was a famous writer and critic.Form the 60s to the early of 90s in twentieth century, Liang’s international comments werepublished by the newspapers and magazine of HongKong and Singapore frequently, the《CankaoXiaoxi》had often cited his comments once in a period. So Liang became the most popular one ofthe journalists oversea to the Chinese people. Liang’s international comments mainly talkedabout American or international substantial political, economic and military issues at thattime, which provided abundant information to the readers helping them to know the generalsituation of the world. Liang’s international comments have their own features on writing skill,which attracted plenty of readers and won their favor. However, there is no scholar in Chinastudy LiangHoufu, such a outstanding international critic, deeply and systemically. It is a pity toLiangHoufu himself, to the people like Liang’s comments, even to the journalistic history ofChina. The study emphasis of this paper is the writing feature of Liang’s international comments.So, this part of the paper can be divided into three sections, discussing and analyzing the featureof Liang’s international comments from microcosmic, middle-view and macroscopical respect inturn.In the first section of the part, the paper discuss the use of the language of Liang’sinternational comments. In the second section, the paper discuss the illation of those comments.And in the third section, the paper discuss the framework of the comments. By the work, I hopethe paper can be beneficial to people to comprehend the feature of Liang’s internationalcomments.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】G212.2
  • 【下载频次】129

