

An Investigation into Elementary and Intermediate Foreign Students’ Acquisition of Chinese Rhetorical Questions

【作者】 潘莉

【导师】 贾益民;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 汉语反问句是中国人生活中经常使用的表达形式,也是要求留学生能正确理解并能在交际中得体运用的表达方式。本文通过对64名留学生的课堂问卷调查、对4名留学生为期一个月的跟踪观察及对64篇留学生习作中反问句的收集整理,从句法、语义及语用三个层面考察初、中级留学生习得汉语反问句的情况,在语感认同、语用意义理解、口头运用和书面运用四个方面展开描写、解释、分析和讨论,既考察留学生习得反问句的一般规律,又从反问句的不同句法类型、不同语用类型、反问句在教材中出现的位置及次数、被试的学习程度、被试性别等角度考察留学生习得反问句的规律,并从多方面揭示产生这些规律的原因。最后根据调查结果,对大纲、对外汉语教材和对外汉语教师处理反问句的方式方法提出有针对性的建议。

【Abstract】 Chinese rhetorical questions is a common expression that Chinese often use in socialintercourse. It is a requirement that foreign students could understand and befitting one’s positionor suited to the occasion applies in being able to depend on social intercourse. This research isobserved by the classroom questionnaire investigation to 64 oversea students, to tracking of 4oversea students studying abroad lasting for one months and is check 64 student studying abroadexercise in composition, drawing, etc. examination, from syntax and language facing thebeginning of examination tier with three, the intermediate student studying abroad exercisingthe condition getting Chinese rhetorical questions, depict, explain development, analyzes anddiscuss the results. Both inspects the foreign student custom to result in the rhetorical questionthe general rule, and from the rhetorical question different syntax type, the different languagewith the type, the rhetorical question the position and the number of times which appears in theteaching material, the different study degree which tries, is tried angle and so on sex inspects theforeign student custom to result in the rhetorical question the rule, and from variouslypromulgates has these rules reasons. The last part of this paper provides some advices onChinese rhetorical questions teaching.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】441

