Research on Mechanism of Formation and Evolution of Home Electric Appliance Manufacturer’s Channel Competitive Advantage
【作者】 周权雄;
【导师】 陈海权;
【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士
【摘要】 在日趋激烈的市场竞争中,部分家电企业率先通过组建一体化渠道赢得了竞争优势。但对企业而言,持久的竞争优势才是赢得长期卓越绩效的根本基础和战略管理的最终目的。那么,这种渠道竞争优势是如何形成的,已形成的渠道竞争优势是沿着什么样的路径演化的,演化进程受到哪些因素的影响,背后隐藏的机理何在?本文首先从企业和环境互动角度阐述了渠道竞争优势的形成和演化机理,提出的理论命题是:渠道竞争优势经历了一个从形成到弱化的演化过程;渠道竞争能力(通过渠道协作力、投资能力、企业家能力及品牌和文化凝聚力四个方面体现出来)是企业内部资源、能力适应外部环境的结果,并构成一体化渠道竞争优势的基础;但当外部环境发生根本性变化要求相应的渠道转型时,制造商现有的渠道竞争能力却表现出路径依赖的特性,致使其渠道转型的滞后和渠道竞争优势的消散。实证研究包括宏观角度中日两国家电渠道的演变过程及微观角度的典型案例分析。考虑到日本家电市场的成熟度远比中国高,我们首先选择日本家电行业作为实证研究的对象。在阐明日本家电分销渠道的演变过程及其结构特征的基础上,以松下电器、索尼公司为例,从微观企业视角考察了渠道模式的演变个案,对上述理论命题进行验证。实证结果表明,在日本经济高速增长期,松下电器凭借其渠道竞争能力赢得了渠道竞争优势。但随着消费需求的多样化和家电量贩店的崛起,索尼公司渠道率先转型,走在其他企业前面与家电量贩店建立了合作伙伴关系;松下电器却表现出渠道转型滞后。在外部环境发生很大变化的相同背景下,松下的渠道竞争能力表现出路径依赖的特性,制约了渠道变革的步伐和企业业绩的提升。就中国情况而言,本文在综述我国家电分销渠道演变的历史过程及其背景的基础上,对格力电器渠道模式的演变进行了个案分析。一方面,对格力电器“股份制区域性销售公司”渠道模式产生的背景、成功表现及特征进行分析,另一方面,以家电连锁企业的崛起为背景,指出在大部分家电制造商纷纷与家电连锁企业建立“准战略联盟”关系的情况下,格力电器却与国美电器发生激烈的渠道冲突,表现出渠道转型的滞后,这是渠道竞争能力表现出路径依赖特性的结果。
【Abstract】 In the increasingly fierce market competition, some home electric appliance manufacturers achieve the competitive advantage by constructing the integrated channel. However, the basis of persistent superior performance and the final goal of strategic management are the sustainable competitive advantage. Then, how this channel competitive advantage forms and evolves?This paper firstly analyzes the mechanism of formation and evolution of the channel competitive advantage. The channel competitive advantage evolves through time. The manufacturer builds the channel competitive advantage from its adaptation to the extemal environment. However, when the external environment change fundamentally and require the channel pattern to make the corresponding adjustment, the manufacturer’s existing channel competitive ability displays the characteristic of path dependence, causing the lag of its channel transformation.The empirical study includes the home electric appliances channel’s evolutionary process in China and Japan on the macroscopic level and the typical case on the microscopic level. On the basis of elaborating the evolutionary process of the Japanese electrical appliances, the case study compares the channel pattern of Panasonic Appliance and Sony Corporation as an example to test the above proposition. The research indicated that, Comparing with the quick transformation of Sony Corporation’ channel, Panasonic Appliance’s channel competitive ability demonstrates a characteristic of path dependence, restricting the steps of the channel transformation and the improvement of the enterprise’s performance.As for our country, this paper summarizes the evolutionary process of Chinese home electric appliance channel and analyzes the case of Gree Appliance’s channel evolution. The case study shows that, comparing with the quick transformation of other home electric appliance manufacturers, Gree Appliance’s channel competitive ability demonstrates a characteristic of path dependence.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学 【网络出版年期】2008年 01期
- 【分类号】F407.6
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】1092