

The Pavement Perormance Research of Asphalt Pavement’s Semi-Rigidity Base

【作者】 吕兰明

【导师】 魏连雨; 王国清;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 半刚性路面的承重能力取决于半刚性基层和半刚性底基层的强度和厚度,这两个结构层是半刚性沥青路面的关键层次,它就象结构物的基础,基层质量的好坏直接影响着整个路面的质量,对路面的使用质量和使用寿命都有十分重要的影响。经过十几年的设计施工实践,河北省已经形成几种常见的无机结合料稳定碎石混合料基层结构。京张二级汽车专用公路为河北省最早施工的高等级公路,当时采用的是石灰水泥稳定碎石,该种结构具有良好的水稳性、板体性及抗温度变形能力且水泥用量较少,后期强度高,但施工要求按水泥碎石施工,即水泥终凝前要完成全部碾压。从京石高速公路开始,逐渐被二灰(石灰粉煤灰)稳定碎石代替,二灰级配碎石具有较好的水稳性,板体性和抗裂性,尤其随着龄期的增长强度增长很快,并且在施工过程中不受时间的限制,因此一开始使用,倍受人们青睐。河北省的高速公路将二灰碎石用在基层的下层,并且掺加部分水泥,基层的上层采用水泥稳定碎石。水泥稳定碎石的强度较高,并且强度、刚度、水稳性及抗冲刷能力较好,并且随着施工机械和施工水平的提高,目前完全可以达到其施工的要求。由于河北省石灰岩石料料源丰富,基层的骨料多采用石灰岩石料,但是在一些山区和山前区,天然砂砾储量较大,并且级配良好,如经试验验证其路用性能较好,也不失为一种良好的基层材料来源。本着基层材料的选择应根据经济适用的原则,就地取材,择优取材,从料源、施工技术、经济等方面综合考虑,因地制宜的确定不同地区的基层结构类型。

【Abstract】 The load bearing capability of semi-rigidity pavement is dependent on the strength and thickness of semi-rigidity base and subbase. These two structure layers are the key layer of the semi-rigidity asphalt pavement , the quality of the road base affect directly the whole pavement and have very important affection on the usage quality and service lifes of the pavement.Through more than ten years of the design construction fulfillment, Hebei province has already become a few familiar roadbase structure by inorganic binder stability crushstone mixture.The Jingzhang second highway is Hebei at the earliest stage construction of high grade highway, what to adopt was the lime cement at that time cement stability crushed stones.This structure have the favorable water stability,the plank body and anti- temperature deformability.It need less cement content,and have high intensity on late stage, but the construction request to construct according to cement crushed stones, namely to complete all grinding the cement final set.From Jingshi highway ,it gradually replace by two ash(the lime and fly ash). lime-flyash graded broken stone has the better water stability, the plank body and crack resistance.especially along with the age growth ,the strength increase very quickly, and be free from the restriction of time during the period of construction. The highway of Hebei province use lime-flyash graded broken stone in the bottom layer of the roadbase, and add some cements.the upper level of roadbase adopt cement stability crushed stones.The cement stability crushed stones have higer strength and stiffness,the water stability and anti-erosion is better. Along with enhance of construction machine and construction level, currently we can attain its construction request completely.Because lime rock in Hebei province is abundant, the aggregate of the roadbase adopt usually the lime rock.But in some mountain areas and before the mountain, the natural gravel keeps quantity to compare greatly, and the gradation is good.So through experiment to verify its road use performance, it also is a kind of good roadbase material source.The selection of base material should accord economy principle,we should comprehensive consider use local materials,alternative optimum, material source ,construction technique, economy etc.We should determine roadbase structure type in different area adjust measures to local conditions.

  • 【分类号】U414
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】258

