

Study on Hypoxia Equipment and Automatic Controlling Monitoring System of Portable Hypoxia Tent

【作者】 张智颖

【导师】 贺杰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 热能工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 高原低氧环境能提高运动成绩,但若控制不当也会给机体健康带来危害。为此有关专家取其利弃其弊开始研究常压低氧环境的人工训练方式,但国内对常压低氧帐篷的研究才刚刚起步。基于传统的人工控制低氧环境,人员要不断地出入房间进行巡视,所以低氧环境很难达到要设定的预期值,即使达到了要求运行费用也很高。同时随着体育事业和人们生活水平的不断提高,人们开始寻求一种便携的设备,从而能够更加方便在平原享受高原低氧为人们带来的好处。本论文与北京体育大学合作并结合实际中存在的问题,采用VC编程技术,自行编制了一套便携式的低氧环境控制程序,本程序具有数据设定、绘图、数据显示及数据采集等功能,并对环境参数的设置值给出了合理的推荐值。本论文还采用模拟软件对低氧帐篷内气体的浓度分布进行了模拟,确定的传感器的安装位置,氧气传感器设在低氧帐篷的1/3处,二氧化碳传感器应尽量和人休息的鼻孔处在同一水平面上,最高设在离鼻孔不超过50mm的地方。本论文设计的低氧帐篷系统是一种可视化地系统,实现了无人值守的低氧环境的自动监控系统,使得低氧帐篷系统的便携性更加突出。

【Abstract】 The plateau environment can improve sports achievement as well bring danger to the organism. In order to draw its profits and abandon its abuse, experts begin to study the artificial environment of normal atmosphere and hypoxia. But it is underway in the studying of normal pressure of tent.When controlling the hypoxia with manual method, man enter the room to examine the condition of hypoxia environment, then they can break the environment, so it is difficult to attach the goal. With the development of the gym and standard of living, people begin to seek some portable equipment to enjoy the profits of hypoxia. So we design a program to control the hypoxia environment with VC in the hypoxia laboratory of Beijing Sports University , it has functions of setting parameters, drawing, showing and collecting data and so on. We provide some reasonable parameters of hypoxia. We also simulate the concentration of gas in the tent with software, and we have got the position of the sensor. We set O2 sensor at the 1/3 of the hypoxemia tent. The CO2 sensor should be set at the same lever of the nostril when people have rest. The height should not higher more than 50mm of the lever of nostril.

  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】97

