

Development of Intelligent Synthetic Protection System for High-Voltage Flameproof Switchgear in Underground Mine

【作者】 刘增玉

【导师】 刘子胥;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 电机与电器, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着采煤自动化技术的发展,对煤矿井下供电系统可靠性、安全性和连续性的要求越来越高的要求,因此对矿用隔爆型高压开关智能综合保护系统的研究具有重要的理论和应用价值。随着微机保护的发展,一些新的保护原理和方案,受到越来越多的关注,并逐步得到实际应用。然而这些新方法在改善保护性能的同时也对微机保护装置的计算精度、速度和寻址空间等提出了更高的要求,因而也对构成微机保护装置的硬件平台提出了更高的要求。针对以上问题本文提出了一种新的微机保护设计方案,设计了一种基于DSP和单片机双CPU结构的微机保护系统,并应用于高压开关装置当中DSP作为主CPU芯片主要完成数据采集、数据处理和保护等功能,8051作为从CPU主要完成键盘处理、液晶显示处理和通讯等人机对话功能。此双核结构具有并行工作,分工明确的优点,既保证了继电保护的速动性,选择性、灵敏性和可靠性,又实现了实施测量的高精度。本文首先根据矿井高压电网的实际情况,从理论上分析了矿井高压电网常见故障的电气特征,并参照相关标准制定了相应的保护原理和动作指标,尤其是针对矿井供电系统中普遍采用中性点不接地的情况,采用了“基于零序功率方向型”的选择性漏电保护原理。然后分析了交流采样、直流采样方法的优缺点,确定了高压防爆开关保护系统的采样方式。保护系统的硬件是实现保护原理的平台,其稳定性和可靠性直接影响到保护功能的实现。本微机保护系统是基于DSP和单片机的双CPU微机线路综合保护测控装置,DSP的采用大大提高了保护装置的数据处理速度,双CPU结构大大提高了装置的可靠性。另外,该装置不仅可以完成继电保护功能,而且紧随当前电力系统自动化发展的需要,还可以完成测量、控制、数据通讯的功能,亦即实现保护、控制、测量、数据通讯一体化。

【Abstract】 With the development of automatic technology in underground, the morerequirements are raised to improve the continuity, reliability and security ofunderground power supply system. With the development of microprocessor relayprotection, many new relay principles and schemes are got more and more attention,and they are also put into practice step by step. However, when the performance ofrelay protection devices are improved by these new methods, the higher precision andspeed in calculation and more addressing space are required to these relay protectiondevices, thus the better hardware of these devices are needed. Aiming at theseproblems, a new scheme of microprocessor relay protection is proposed in this paper,designs a microprocessor-based protection system, which using double CPUs on thebase of DSP and single chip microcomputer. As the main CPU, DSP completes suchfunctions as sampling data, processing data and protection. 8051, as the secondly CPU,takes responsibility of conversational function between man and PC, such as dealingwith key board, LCD and communication. With the excellence of parallel workingand cooperating by dividing work, the dual CPU system can realize high accuracy ofreal-time measuring, as well as it can ensure the fast running ability, selectivity,sensitivity and reliability of relaying protect.According to the actual situations in underground HV distribution networks, thecharacteristics of the electrical faults occur in the system are theoretically analyzed,and relevant protective principles and control strategies are proposed on the basis ofnational relative standards. Especially according to the system of neutral point unearthingare used in many super big shaft, the selective leakage protective method based onZero-sequence Power is presented.The stability and reliability of hardware is very important to the implementation ofprotection functions. The designed device based on dual CPU structure: DSP andMCS-51, is a synthetical line protection including measurement and control. DSP isused to accelerate data processing, and dual CPU configuration can increase thereliability of the device. Moreover,relay protection、measurement、control、data-communication function are involved as a whole unit in this device for fulfillingthe needs of the developing of power system and its automatization.

  • 【分类号】TM564;TM774
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】426

