

Study on the Establishment and Operation of Water Users’ Association

【作者】 由金玉

【导师】 汪志农;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业水土工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,中国各大灌区存在的问题日益突出,如管理体制不顺、水费收缴率低、末级渠系工程管理主体“缺位”等。灌区目前的管理体制已不适应社会主义市场经济体制。要想改变这种状态,使灌区农业供水实现良性循环,必须吸收用水户参与到灌区末级渠系的管理中来,即推行参与式的灌溉管理。在灌区末级渠系组建农民用水协会是参与式灌溉管理中一种最主要的模式。在中国,自1995年湖北省漳河灌区第一个农民用水协会成立至今,协会已由最初的试点阶段走向了推广发展阶段。经过这十几年的发展与推广,农民用水协会在组建及运行中趋向成熟,但仍存在许多问题与不足。鉴于目前国内对农民用水协会研究的缺陷,如缺少深入调查、缺少数据的支持等问题,本论文以实地调查为依据,以西北农林科技大学“关中灌区管理体制改革监测评价”课题组6年(2000~2005年)对800户定点农户与120条定点斗渠的跟踪调查资料为依托,较为全面地探讨了农民用水协会在组建及运行中存在的若干问题及影响农民用水协会正常运行的外部因素,重点分析了协会组建程序不规范、注册率低、渠系工程维修资金不足、协会受到外部阻力不能发挥作用等问题,并针对存在的问题提出了相应的意见及建议;对农民用水协会取得的成效如节水增产、农业收入增加、农民水费负担减轻等方面进行了探讨研究。通过以上系统的研究工作,得出了以下几点主要结论:(1)推行参与式的灌溉管理是解决灌区管理体制不顺、实现灌区灌溉用水良性循环的必由之路;(2)农民用水协会已成为陕西省关中灌区末级渠系管理体制改革中最主要、最有效的一种改制模式;(3)农民用水协会取得的成效显著;在增强用水户民主参与意识,促进农村民主建设方面有重要政治意义;(4)农民用水协会的良好运行离不开当地政府与相关政策的支持;(5)为解决承包、租赁等其它改制模式的缺点,可推行并嫁接监督型的农民用水协会作为一个过渡。本论文的研究可为农民用水协会的组建及运行提供理论依据。特别是对农民用水协会供水成本的计算方法、水费征收方式及农户对现行水价条件下对水费的承受能力的分析与研究,为灌区进行农业水价改革与农民用水协会制定水价提供了依据与参考。

【Abstract】 At present, the existent problems in large irrigation districts (IDs) in China have been become increasingly prominent, such as the management system was confused, the lower water fee collected rate, and the main body for managing the terminal canal system in ID was“absent”, etc. The current management system in IDs was not suitable to the socialist market economic system. If want to change this situation and achieve healthy cycle for the agricultural water supply, the water users must participate in the irrigation management in terminal canal system. In other words, must push the participatory irrigation management. So eatablishing the WUAs in terminal canal system in IDs is the direction and main model of participatory irrigation management.In China, since the first WUA had been established in Zhanghe Irrigation District of Hubei Province in 1995 up to now, the WUAs have past from the pilot phase to the development and extension stage. Though the WUAs have become mature through more than ten years development and promotion, but still exist many problems and shortcomings in the establishment and operation of WUAs. Pointed to weakness for the WUA research in China, such as less deeply investigation and shortage of data support and so on, this paper was depended on the real investigation, and based on the continual six years(2000~2005) tracking date for 800 fixed sampling households and 120 lateral canals in Guanzhong Irrigation Districts(GID) by the M&E group of the Northwest A&F University, rather completely analyzed the problems in the process of establishment and operation of WUA and the external factors for influencing normal operation of WUAs. Major analyzed the problems as nonstandard establishment procedures, the low rate of registration, inadequate funds for maintenance of canal system, and not play proper function by effected external resistances, etc. Pointed to these existent problems, put forward the some related suggestions and ideas. Also has researched the impacts of WUAs, such as: water saving and increasing grain production, increasing the agricultural income, and reducing the farmers’burden of water fee and so on.Through above systemic study, the author has made out the following major conclusions:(1) Implementing the participatory irrigation management is the only way for solving the problem of management system and realizing the healthy cycle of irrigation water use in IDs.(2) WUAs have become the main and most effective reform model for the terminal canal system in GID of Shaanxi Province.(3) WUAs have achieved remarkable impacts; strengthening the water users’awareness of democratically participating irrigation management and promoting the democracy construction in countryside have important political significance.(4) Good performance of WUA can not do without the support of local government and related policies.(5) In order to overcome the defects of contract, lease and other reform modes, supervision WUAs should be grafted as for a transition.The results of this paper can provide the theoretical basis for the establishment and operation of WUA. In special, for the analysis and research for the calculating method of irrigation water costs, the collecting methods of water charge and farmers’bearing capacity for the current irrigation water fee, it can be supplied the basis and reference for the agricultural water price reform and determining the water price in WUA in irrigation districts.

  • 【分类号】S279.2
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】356

