

The Law Thinking of Solid Wastes Problems in Recircular Economy

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 田义文;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 固体废物在传统经济发展的理念下就是污染源,是发展的包袱。现有的有关固体废物的法律都是以防治为主,是一种被动的承受,人们只能忍受废物给我们带来的种种不利,被动的防治。对固体废物的资源化、综合利用关注还是不够,现行法律只体现了末端治理理念,这种陈旧落后的理念已经不能再适应可持续发展的要求,我们必须要加以改变。而在循环经济理念下,固体废物就是资源,是放错位置的资源,是社会经济发展的宝贵资源。法律应当以固体废物资源化为重点,从而才能够体现源头治理、全过程控制的思想。循环经济是一种新型的经济发展模式,它是以资源的高效利用和循环利用为核心,以“减量化、再利用、再循环”为原则,以低消耗、低排放、高效率为基本特征的社会生产和再生产范式,其实质是以尽可能少的资源消耗和尽可能小的环境代价实现最大的发展效益;是以人为本,贯彻和落实新科学发展观的本质要求;是实现从末端治理转向源头污染控制。循环经济发展模式以可持续发展理论为指导,用综合性指标看待经济的发展问题,重视节约资源和能源,污染预防和废弃物循环利用,这是一种善待自然,把清洁生产和废弃物的利用融为一体的可持续的物质闭循环流动经济发展模式。现今只有靠法律的规定来有效的推动循环经济模式的发展。制定和完善我们的循环经济立法,确立源头治理和全过程控制的理念,并且将这种科学先进的理念融入到我们的立法工作中和制定的法律中,才能在更高的层次上规范和控制生产和生活当中产生的固体废物,并根据具体的法律规范来有效的将其资源化,进一步为人类的生产生活服务。本文在确立了固体废物就是资源的理念基础之上,从固体废物对我们生产生活的污染情况入手,阐述和分析了产生这种污染状况的多方面原因;接着指出了固体废物资源化的路径选择,指明了要通过技术进步来促进固体废物资源化,通过政策法规来规范监督固体废物的资源化,通过国家推动及市场经济来引导固体废物资源化,最重要的一点就是要通过经济增长方式转变来推动和实现固体废物资源化。其次本文着力研究了循环经济的相关问题。从最基本的循环经济内涵和原则入手,分析比较了传统经济增长模式和循环经济增长模式,要又好又快的实现固体废物资源化就得依靠循环经济发展模式。再次本文研究了我国固体废物资源化立法的现状以及存在的缺陷。从《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称固废法)入手,阐述了固废法的沿革及其主要内容和特点,修订固废法的重大意义以及修订案对固体废物污染防治制度的突破,最后提出了固废法的缺陷和不足。最后本文简要介绍了国外循环经济立法模式以及对我国的启示。阐述了德国、美国、欧盟和日本的循环经济立法现状,从中得到一些经验和教训,得出了其对我国循环经济立法的一些启示。他山之石,可以攻玉。勇敢的承认我们的不足,大胆的实践,才能发展,才能可持续发展。本文的结论是固体废物就是资源,循环经济增长模式是实现固体废物资源化的最佳发展模式,循环经济发展模式的建立需要用法律的手段来规范和推动。固废法是我国固体废物防治的基本法,还要在实践中不断的完善,一切从实际出发,构建我国的循环经济法律体系。

【Abstract】 Solid waste in traditional economic development is the concept of pollution, the development of the burden. Of the existing solid waste control laws are mainly a passive affordable, One can only waste brought us all kinds of unfavorable bear the silence, the passive control. Of solid waste resources, comprehensive utilization of concern is not enough, the only manifestation of the legal end management philosophy, such obsolete concepts can no longer meet the requirements of sustainable development, we need to be changed.In a cyclical economic philosophy, solid waste is a resource, is putting the wrong position resources and socio-economic development of valuable resources. The law should solid waste into resources, so as to reflect its source, the control of the whole process of thinking.Recycling economy is a new economic development model, which is based on the efficient use of resources and the recycling of the core, "reduce, reuse, recycle" principle, is characterized by low consumption, low emission, High efficiency of the basic characteristics of social production and reproduction paradigm, its essence is to use as few resources as possible consumption and minimal environmental cost of the development to achieve maximum efficiency; it is people-oriented and implementing a new scientific concept of development essential requirement, is from the end of treatment to the source of pollution control. Cycle mode of economic development to sustainable development theory as a guide, with a comprehensive look at the economic indicators of development issues, importance to the conservation of resources and energy, pollution prevention and waste recycling, which is a kind of natural, put cleaner production and waste utilization of the integrated sustainable material flows closed cycle mode of economic development.At present, only relying on the provisions of the law to effectively promote a recycling economy development. Develop and improve our cycle of economic legislation, establishing sources of governance and control of the whole process of concept, and such advanced scientific concepts into our legislation and the formulation of laws, be at a higher altitude to regulate and control the production and life of the solid waste and in accordance with the specific laws to effectively regulate the use of its resources, and further production of human life services.This paper established a solid waste resources is the basis of the concept, Solid waste from the production of our lives start of the pollution, description and analysis of such pollution have many reasons for the situation; then pointed out the solid waste resources of the path chosen, identified through technological advances to promote the solid waste of resources, adoption of policies and regulations to standardize the supervision of solid waste resources, through promoting the market economy and to guide the solid waste resources, The most important thing, is to change the mode of economic growth to promote and achieve solid waste resource.Secondly paper devoted to studying the economic cycle related issues. From the most basic economic cycle meaning and principles, the analysis compared the traditional economic growth model and cycle of economic growth mode come to the realization of what the quickest solid waste resources must rely on the cycle of economic development mode important conclusions.Again this paper, the solid waste our resources of the legislative situation and the existence of the defect. From the <People’s Republic of solid waste pollution prevention law> (hereinafter referred to as the <Solid Waste Act>) start. Expounded the <Solid Waste> Evolution and the main content and features, revised <Solid Waste> and the significance of the amendment to the solid waste pollution prevention system breakthrough Finally, the <Solid Waste> flaws and shortcomings.This paper introduces the last of the foreign economic cycle model legislation and the Enlightenment to China. Expounded Germany, the United States, the European Union and Japan recycling economy status, gain some experience and lessons reached its cyclical economy of our legislative some enlightenment. He fact, we can learn a good lesson. Courageous recognition of our shortcomings and bold practice to development and sustainable development.This conclusion is solid waste is resources, cycle pattern of economic growth is solid waste resources of the best mode of development, cycle mode of economic development needed for the creation of legal means to regulate and promote. <Solid Waste>is solid waste control of the Basic Law, but also in practice, to continue to improve, proceeding from actual conditions, Construction of the cycle of economic and legal system.

【关键词】 固体废物资源化循环经济
【Key words】 Solid WasteResourcesRecycling Economy
  • 【分类号】D912.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】743

