

Research on Ningxia Wolfberry’s Major Economic Properties and Effective Elements

【作者】 何红君

【导师】 樊金拴;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 枸杞(Lycium Barbarum)为茄科(Solanaceae)枸杞属(Lycium),通称“茨圆”或“红果子”。枸杞的果实、花、根,叶等组织都含有丰富的营养物质,果实是“药食同用”的上等补品。宁夏自然条件优越,枸杞生长条件得天独厚。本文采用合理-满意度和多维价值理论的并合规则,对宁夏枸杞15个品种进行了品比试验和主要经济性状调查分析和综合评价,并对其有效成分做了分析研究,取得了以下主要研究结果:1.从各枸杞品种的生长适应性,丰产性,果实品质的抗逆性来看,宁夏枸杞以大麻叶枸杞,宁杞1号,宁杞2号和白条枸杞表现最优,大黄果枸杞和72007次之,小麻叶枸杞再次之,72001、园果枸杞和72004表现欠佳。大麻叶枸杞、宁杞1号、宁杞2号和白条枸杞的经济性状表现最佳,可以大力推广;大黄果枸杞和72007表现次之,可适当发展;园果枸杞、72001和72004表现欠佳,应考虑及时淘汰换种.宁夏枸杞各品种间的树高,地径,树冠直径和发枝数的极差值较大,差异明显,其中以大麻叶枸杞最高,最粗,冠径和发枝数也较高,宁杞1号的发枝数和冠径较高,生长健壮,而园果枸杞的树高,地径,发枝数最差,生长不良,72004的冠径最小。但萌芽率在各品种间差异不明显,且萌芽率都很高,这主要是由于枸杞是一种萌芽能力极强的灌木,除病虫危害或营养不良造成芽不萌发外,一般均能萌芽成枝。宁夏枸杞各品种平均单株产量极差值较大,差异明显,其各品种产量由高到低的顺序依次为大麻叶枸杞,宁杞1号,宁杞2号,72004,72007,大黄果枸杞,小麻叶枸杞,园果枸杞和72001,尤以前六种产量较高。宁夏枸杞抗逆性都较强,尤其是抗旱性,抗寒性极强,病虫害危害也不太严重。而且小麻叶枸杞和72001抗病性极强,园果枸杞抗虫性极强,而72004和72007的抗病虫能力相对差点,有待于进一步提高抗性。其外观指标,除果实容重在各品种间差异不明显外,其他各因子差异较明显,如72007,宁杞1号、宁杞2号,大麻叶枸杞,总糖和可溶性固形物含量高,各营养成份也较高,风味好,可食性强。但对具体某一品种而言,品质特性无明显优势,有待于进一步综合评定。2.宁夏枸杞果实含有多种有机物质和营养成份。每100g枸杞子含蛋白质12.0g、脂肪0.3g、膳食纤维12.6g、碳水化合物46.3g、胡萝卜素107 mg、维生素b 10.2 mg、尼克酸4.5 mg、维生素C 13 mg、钾673 mg、钠105.2 mg、钙37 mg、镁41 mg、铁6.5 mg、锰0.79 mg、锌15 mg、铜0.56 mg、磷224 mg、硒1.67g。3.宁夏枸杞是一种重要的中药材,又是一种很好的水土保持树种,其叶、果、皮均可入药,浑身是宝。枸杞中的多糖对中毒肝脏具有保护和修复作用,可降低血脂含量而防止粥样动脉硬化,促进骨髓造血干细胞的增殖,加快疲劳肌肉的恢复,加强淋巴细胞的调控而增强免疫功能和抑制肿瘤的作用。枸杞果实中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性很高,可显著清除人体内的自由基而阻止机体因氧化作用而导致的衰老。枸杞子中Va的活性高于羊肝,从而表现出显著的明目作用。其它与抗衰老有关的生物碱、甾醇类含量也很高。枸杞叶可食,早春代蔬菜。种子可榨油,油为半干性,可做润滑油的原料。枝叶还可作饲料,牲畜喜食,营养价值高于草木樨。总之,枸杞全身是宝。为促进枸杞产业发展,笔者提出了以下几个建议:建立标准化生产体系;实行无公害生产;配方施肥;科学修剪;加大贮藏保鲜与科研开发等的深加工。

【Abstract】 Wolfberry(Lycium Barbarum,Solanaceae,Lycium), usually called“ciyuan”or“hongguozi”, has rich nutrients in its fruit, blossom, root, leaf, and so on. The fruit can be super toxic when eaten as medicine or food. The superior natural condition in Ningxia is quite fit for the growth of wolfberry. The following article, based on the theory of reasonability degree and multi-dimensional value, makes an experimental comparison between 15 species and takes a close look into and a comprehensive evaluation of their major economic properties, as well as analyzes and studies their effective elements. The results are as follows:1.In terms of adaptability, productivity, fruit quality resistibility, Damaye and Ningxia Wolfberry No.1 and 2 and white wolfberry are the best, followed by Dahuangguo and 72007, then Xiaomaye,72001,yuanguo and 72004 at the bottom. Damaye, Ningxia Wolfberry No.1 and 2 and white bear the best economic properties and can be widely grown; Dahuangguo and 72002 can be grown in a certain number; Yuanguo, 72001 and 72004 deserves timely desertion.Ningxia wolfberry varies greatly from species to species with regard to height, stem perimeter, top perimeter and branch number. Damaye is the strongest and highest has the most branches, Ningxia Wolfberry No.1 next, and them Yuaguo,72004 having the smallest top, However, shooting rate among species does not vary distinctly, instead, they are all very high mainly because the wolfberry, as a shrub shooting well, generally shoots but for pest and disease, or malnutrition. The individual productivity varies greatly. From the highest productivity to the lowest are Damaye, Ningxia Wolfberry No.1 and 2, 72004, 72007, Dahuangguo, Xiaomaye, Yuanguo, and 72001. The first 6 of which are very productive. Generally speaking, Ningxia wolfberry resists well against draught, coldness, disease and pest. From the graph 1, we can see that Xiaomaye and 72001 resist against disease well, Yuanguo against pest well, and 72004 and 72007 not so well against them and so worth improving.2. Ningxia wolfberry contains many organic substances and nutrients. Each 100 grams of Matrimony vine seed contains proteide 12.0 grams, 0.3 gram of fat, 12.6 grams of meals fibre, 46.3 grams of carbohydrate, 107 milligrams of carotene, Vb 10.2 milligram, 4.5 milligrams of Nick acid, Vc13 milligram, 673 milligrams of potassium, sodium 105.2 milligrams , about 3 milligrams of calcium, 41 milligrams of magnesium, 6.5 milligrams of iron, 0.79 milligram of manganese , about 1 milligrams of zinc, 0.56 milligram of copper, 224 milligrams of phosphorus, 1.67 grams of selenium.3. Ningxia wolfberry is an important Chinese medicine and also a useful soil-keeping plant. Its leaves, fruits, and barks can all be medicine, so it is valuable all over. The sugar in wolfberry can protect and heal the poisoned liver, reduce blood fat to prevent artery coagulation, help the multiplication of blood-making cells, speed up the recovery of tired muscles, and improve the immunity. The SOD in wolfberry fruit is quite active, so it can clear away free radical and prevent the senility out of oxidization. Besides, the Vitamin A in wolfberry is more active than sheep liver, and then is good for eyesight. Other anti-senility elements, such as bio-alkali、Grain sterol are also in high quantity. The wolfberry leaves can be eaten as a substitution for vegetable; its fruit can make oil, which can then make lubricant; its branches and leaves can also be forage, more nutritional than sweet clover.In order to stimulate the development of Ningxia wolfberry, I have the following sugestions: setting up the standard producing system;producing without harm;fertilizing and protecting , storing and exloring scientifically.

  • 【分类号】S567.19
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1613

