

A Study on Social Capital of Countryside in China

【作者】 陶艳梅

【导师】 张波;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业与农村社会发展, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 农村社会资本是目前学术界关注的热点问题,积累了不少的研究成果。但其中的缺憾也显而易见。首先,对于“社会资本”这一外来品,大多学者并未进行本土化的理论探讨,而是将其作为一种既定工具,直接解释和研究中国农村问题。其次,农村社会资本的研究内容,大多集中在农村人际关系的层面上,对农村社会结构和外部环境层社会资本的认识相对较少,缺乏系统性。再次,对农村社会资本的研究,多停留在静态认识上,对其产生及其运作的内在逻辑,鲜于探究。最后,在新农村建设的大背景下,对农村社会资本的开发和利用问题认识不足。本文试图针对这些问题,就目前农村社会资本进行专门探讨。中国农村社会资本研究中存在的缺憾,或多或少是因理论不完善造成的。对此,本文首先对农村社会资本的概念、特征和类别进行了理论探讨,并结合转型期农村社会实际,建构了“本土化”农村社会资本分析框架。然后,结合双桃村个案调查情况,在人际关系、社会结构和外部环境层面上对农村社会资本进行了系统分析。在人际关系层面上,考察了目前农村社会人际关系的种类和状况,揭示了人际关系工具理性化的发展趋势。即村民在利益的驱动下,有意识地投资或动员人际关系,获取稀缺资源。然而,在现实生活中,并不是所有的人都能实现预期。换句话说,村民的“人际关系”成为社会资本需具备特定的条件和过程。对条件和过程的分析,则构成本文对“关系资本”产生及其内在运作逻辑的把握。在此基础上,笔者利用调查数据,更加深入地分析了村民人际关系的整体状况,证实了“人际关系”需从“关系资源”,再向“关系资本”进行转化的结论,并从性别、年龄和行业三个角度,对不同村民“关系资本”进行了比较分析。在社会结构层面上,首先考察了转型期的农村社会关系结构,分析了“差序格局”和“紧缩圈层结构”中,社会资本的基本运作逻辑。通过比较,发现目前农村社会关系结构呈现出前所未有的状况。一方面,以血缘和地缘为基础的“差序格局”,在资源、利益等因素的作用下,呈现出一定程度的工具理性化。另一方面,以资源为核心的“紧缩圈层结构”,在传统“人情”和“伦理”因素的作用下,呈现出某种程度的亲缘泛化。然而,“差序格局”仍是主要的关系结构形式。基于此,本文通过考虑“紧缩圈层结构”中的合理因素,确立了更符合转型期农村社会关系结构的分析步骤与方法。在此基础上,结合双桃村个案,对不同资源主体以“差序格局”和“圈层结构”为路径,寻求、获取资源的状况进行了深入考察。最终,得出结论:一方面,目前农村社会的“差序格局”并未能实现足够的“资本化”,无法给村民提供更多的便利和条件;另一方面,在“圈层结构”下,大部分普通村民和乡村精英的互动难以实现,农村社会中积极有效的集体行动陷入困境。在外部环境层面上,首先考察了目前农村社会中的文化规范,结果表明:以关系取向、伦理道德和人情规范等形式存在的儒家传统文化,受到市场经济逐利性文化的强势冲击。这种冲击使得农村社会中原有的规范、道德与习俗等社会资本逐渐减少,农村社会内部约束力弱化,人际关系淡漠化。其次,通过对农村社会制度体系的分析,笔者发现:制度的变迁在很大程度上,又引导和促进了这种局面的产生。在强制性制度变迁阶段,国家通过“自上而下”的政府命令,实现了对农村稀缺资源的全面控制。在意识形态的强化和阶级斗争的威慑下,农民之间的横向乡土联系逐渐淡化,传统社会的特殊原则——“差序格局”、“礼”遭到强烈冲击。在诱致性变迁阶段,家庭联产承包责任制的确立,在生产上直接割裂了农民之间的横向社会关系。村民自治制度确立后,乡村两级组织权力弱化,组织、动员村民的支配力也大大减弱。这些变化均加剧了农村社会中积极有效集体行动的困境。最后,笔者结合社会时空观,确立了对农村社会资本进行整体性把握的基本切入点,即文化规范与制度体系。在此基础上,梳理了各层次社会资本之间的关系,揭示了它们之间的互动。通过分析发现:目前我国农村文化规范、制度体系存在的问题,才是影响整个农村社会资本运作功效的根本问题。它们是造成目前农村社会资本存量低、构成不合理的根本原因。基于此,本文认为,要提升人际关系层和社会结构层“社会资本”的运作功效,首先应从提升外部环境层“社会资本”的运作功效入手。当务之急,则是要解决农村社会中文化规范和制度体系本身存在的问题,合理设置这些“规则”体系中存在的“权利——义务”关系。对此,本文提出在新农村建设中开发和利用农村社会资本的五大具体措施:一是通过信任机制建设,明确界定合理道德规则;二是注重农村文化建设,强化合理道德规则;三是培育农村经济组织,发展农村集体经济;四是构建强有力的乡村两级管理体制,增加村级组织资源输入;五是满足公共服务和公共产品需求,增强村落内部团结。

【Abstract】 Rural social capital is the current scholastic hot spot, which has been researched a lot. But its regret is obvious. First, most scholars directly use it as an established tool to research the problems in Chinese rural areas without any theory localization. Secondly, the study of social capital is mostly concentrated in rural interpersonal level which is a lack of the study on the rural social structure and the external environment. Then, the research on rural social capital mainly stays on static level, which has a disadvantage of the intrinsic logic inquiry. Finally, the exploitation and utility of rural social capital is inadequate under the background of new village construction. In allusion to these issues, this article attempts to specially research on the current rural social capital.The regret remains in China’s rural social capital study is more or less caused by the imperfection of the theory. So, this article first probes into the conception, characteristics and types of rural social capital, combines with the reality of rural society in transformation period and builds a "native" rural social capital analytical framework. Then, with the investigation in the two-Tao village, social capital in rural areas on the level of interpersonal, social structure and the external environment is systematically analyzed.On the interpersonal level, the current rural social relationships and the types of conditions have been inspected and the interpersonal tools instrumentally trend of development is revealed. However, in realistic life, not every people can be able to achieve anticipated goals. In other words, the changing of villagers’"interpersonal relations" into social capital requires certain conditions and processes. The analysis on conditions and process in this paper constitutes the grasp on "relationship capital" formation and operation of internal logic. Based on this, we use the survey data to penetrate into the villagers’interpersonal relations and confirm the conclusion that the "interpersonal relationships" needs to turn into "relations resources" and then into "relationship capital" .And different villagers "relationship capital" are analyzed from the angles of gender, age and industry.In the social structure lay, the paper first inspects the rural community structure in the period of transformation and analyzes the pattern of difference sequence and circular layer structure. By comparison, the current structure of rural social relations has showed an unprecedented situation. However, the pattern of difference sequence is still the main relation structure. Based on this, by considering the reasonable factors in circular layer structure this thesis establishes the steps and methods which can analyzes the rural social capital. On this basis, in combination with Two Tao village cases, the conditions of researching and gaining resources have been deeply probed into though the path of the pattern of difference sequence and circular layer structure. Ultimately, this paper draws a conclusion that on the one hand, the pattern of difference sequence is not adequately capitalization and on the other the interaction between villagers and rural elites is hard to achieve under circular layer structure.On the exterior circumstances, my study first surveys the cultural norms of rural community, the results shows that: the Confucian traditional culture, exist as a relationship orientation, morality or human norm, is strongly shocked by profiteering culture in market economy. This shock have made a great decrease in the already existing ethics, norms and social customs, the inner binding force, and the human relationship of the countryside. After my making an analysis of rural social system, I find that changes in the system have guided and promoted these situations from arising to a large extent. In the changes of compulsory system, government enforced their embracive controls of resources in short supply from above. Under the ideological reinforcement and deterrence of class struggles, the relationships between rural residents gradually faded out, and the special principles, such as“the pattern of difference sequence”and ritualism met with strong shock. During the period of inducing institutional variance, the establishment of family-contract responsibility system made a social separation between rural residents in a lateral direction. After the establishing of villager autonomy system, the village-town level powers in professional organizations become weaken, and their great holds over villagers were largely lost. All of these changes intensified the morass of active and effective actions in rural community.Finally, I find the entering point, just as cultural norms and systems, of grasping the wholeness of social capital in rural community with social view of space and time. On this basis, I succeed in hackling the interrelations among various levels of social capital, and discovering their reactions. By analysis, we can see that there is something wrong with the rural cultural norms or systems of China, and it is the fundamental problem that has a big impact on the power of capital operation; it is also the root cause of the lowness in capital stock and the irrational composition. Based on above analysis, this paper reveals that the improvement of the capital operations of relationship and social order components must be accomplished through the external environment ones first. It is a pressing matter of resolving the problems exist in cultural norms and systems in rural community, rebuilding the relations between rights and duties of them rationally. This text presents five concrete measures of the development and utility of social capital in rural area in new rural construction: First, set clear moral rules through confidence building mechanisms; Second, focus on rural culture, reasonable ethical rules strongly; Third, breed rural economy organizations, and develop the collective economy in rural areas; Construction of four is establishing the two-level management system in rural areas, and increasing resource input of the rural community; Fifth, build public serve and product system, and enhance the internal unity in village.

  • 【分类号】F323.9
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1409

