

Equipment Remote Monitor System Based on uClinux

【作者】 谢彤

【导师】 卢博友;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业电气化及其自动化, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 嵌入式远程监控系统是网络与工业设备测量、控制机构相结合的产物,它通过现场控制网络和Internet,把分布于机电设备的测量机构和控制机构连接起来,实现了用户和机电设备的远程信息交互,完成了远程监视和控制。由于它能够较好的满足实际生产生活的需要,因此广泛的应用于工业生产控制、航空航天、信息家电等各行各业,具有着良好的发展前景。本文的创新点:本文根据企业管理和市场应用的需求,将B/S模式引入到监控系统中,选择了基于B/S模式的远程监控系统的研究与实现的课题。本论文研究和设计了一种基于三星S3C44B0X芯片和uCLinux操作系统的远程机电设备监控系统,包括系统硬件板的设计、uCLinux操作系统的移植、驱动程序的开发、嵌入式Boa Web Server的架设、动态网页的设计开发。该系统可以满足用户对远程机电设备控制和简单信息读取的需要。论文首先介绍了远程监控系统的硬件系统设计。硬件系统主要由三部分组成,首要部分是S3C44B0X及其存储器部分。存储器部分包括8MB SDRAM和2MB的Flash。SDRAM作为操作系统内核及应用程序运行的空间,Flash用作存储引导程序、uCLinux操作系统映像和网页脚本等文档。第二部分是主要是串口和CAN总线接口。第三部分是以太网数据交换接口。论文还研究操作系统的引导程序(Bootloader)的移植、uClinux操作系统内核的移植与定制、设备驱动程序的开发、嵌入式webserver设计部分。其中嵌入式webserver部分是uClinux操作系统层上的应用程序,它综合运用了嵌入式Boa WebServer的动态、静态网页等技术,为系统提供了嵌入式Web服务、远程设备的信息交互与控制服务。最后,本文展望了机电设备远程监控系统发展前景。

【Abstract】 Embedded remote monitor system is the integration of industrial measuring and controlling mechanism. It is widely used in the field of industrial control,aviation, aeronautics, intellectual home appliances.Its prospect is cheerful. This thesis introduce the B/S mode to the monitor system according to the demand of enterprise management and market;this paperThis thesis has designed a remote monitoring system based on S3C44B0X and embedded operating system uClinux, including hardware design, the porting of uClinux,the development of device driver, implantation of Boa Web Server and the software of dynamic webpage.This system may satisfy the need of controlling over remote devices and the reading of simple state information.Firstly,the paper introduced hardware design of the remote control system.The hardware system is composed of three parts:the primary is S3C44B0X and it’s memory unit. The memory unit includes 8M bytes SDRAM and 2M bytes Flash.The uClinux operating system and application code run in SDRAM, and the Flash is for the storage of bootloader image, uClinux image, webs and scripts.The second part is mainly a serial ports and a CAN port. The last part is Ethernet port.The thesis has research on porting of the bootloader, the porting and customization of uClinux kernel,the development of device driver and the embedded webserver. the embedded webserver is application program on uClinux operating system.It has synthesized dynamic webpage technology and static webpage technology of Boa Web Server, and provided services for webs,remote control and data acquisition tasks.

【关键词】 远程监控系统uClinux网络服务器移植
【Key words】 Remote Control SystemuClinuxWeb Serverporting
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】131

