

The Development Current Situation and Countermeasure of Urban Afforesting and Greening in Yinchuan City

【作者】 曾健

【导师】 李景侠;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 林业, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 银川市地处祖国内陆腹地,干旱少雨,土壤盐渍化程度高,严酷的自然条件使银川市的园林绿化事业发展步履艰难。2000年以来,银川市的生态建设和园林绿化工作迎来了最好的发展时期,以争创国家园林城市,改善城乡生态环境为目标,加速绿化进程,强化园林管理,银川市城市园林与城市森林的发展步入快车道。2006年,在道路绿化上打破了过去“一条路两行树”的种植模式,加宽主干道两侧林带、绿地宽度,丰富了道路绿化景观,城市森林大框架初步形成。笔者自1996年开始从事园林绿化工作至今,对银川市城市绿化的相关政策、绿化规划的思路较熟悉,具有绿化管理、施工的经验等。且直接从事苗圃管理工作,能够熟练掌握绿化苗木的生态学、生物学特性;同时还参与、指导绿化工程施工,及时搜集工程施工资料,拍摄照片,并于2005年至2007年对银川市绿化植物种类与绿化现状进行了调查统计,分析存在的问题,根据银川市近几年城市林业发展的总体目标、指导思想和城市林业发展重点以及城市绿化中存在的问题,取得了以下主要研究结果:1.截止2005年底,城市绿化覆盖面积达到3512hm2,其中建成区绿化覆盖面积2294hm2;城市绿地面积3346hm2,其中建成区绿地面积2189hm2,城市公共绿地面积589hm2。城市建成区绿化覆盖率由1999年的22.01%提高到现在的24.15%;城市建成区绿地率达到23.06%;人均公共绿地面积由1999年的3.4m2提高到现在的7.45m2。道路绿化总里程253公里,道路绿地面积94hm2。2.调查统计,银川市常用的树种有85种,能够在银川市区露地栽植的树木品种(包括变种)可达到466种,其中生长良好的品种就有243种,而应用于城市绿化的品种却不足百种。目前银川市道路绿地中普遍使用的树种不足30余种,其中乔木类主要有桧柏、云杉、国槐、刺槐、白蜡、臭椿、垂柳、毛白杨等10余种,花灌木主要有丁香、连翘、榆叶梅、黄刺玫、玫瑰等10余种;草本花卉有虞美人、金莲花、牵牛花、福禄考、鼠尾草、黑心菊、金光菊等;地被植物有沙地柏、铺地柏、紫穗槐等;草本地被植物有三叶草、紫花苜蓿、百脉根等。3.分析了银川市城市绿化主要存在的问题有:行道树与绿地中部分种类表现欠佳,特点不突出;绿地与行道树种的选用带有很大的随意性;园林绿地中植物配置对长远效益和生态效益考虑不足,只注重景观效果,植物应用只求新求异,乡土树种不受重视,缺乏落叶树和常青树以及彩叶树种的合理配置、乡土树种和新优品种的有机结合、速生树和缓生树的搭配以及花灌木和宿根花卉的合理配置等。4.提出银川市今后绿化发展对策与建议:突出银川特色、丰富绿化品种,体现道路绿地的多样性;积极开展新品种的引种驯化工作,开发利用具有特殊观赏价值的边缘树种;提高养护管理水平,增加养护管理科技含量,减少病虫害,延长树木寿命;树种配置要考虑季相色彩变化,提高彩叶树种的运用率,大量应用园林地被植物,降低园林绿化成本;发展立体绿化,迅速提高城市空间绿化覆盖率;

【Abstract】 Yinchuan is located in the middle of China, little rain, and high soil salinity. The hard natural conditions make the landscaping difficult in Yinchuan. The ecological construction and landscaping is the best development period from 2000 year to now.The author deals with the landscaping work from 2006 year to now. The author is familiar with the Yinchuan city virescence policies, the virescence development concepts and has the experience of virescence management and construction. The author engages in the nursery management work directly, can hold the ecology and biology characteristic of landscape nursery-stock growing. At the same time, the author participants and instructs the landscaping engineering construction, collects the engineering construction information and take the photographs. The author has an investigation for the green plants species and situation from 2005 to 2007 and analyzes the problems in Yinchuan. According to the whole development aim, guiding ideology, urban forestry development keystone and the urban afforesting and greening problems of urban forestry in Yinchuan, the author has the following study results.1. The covering area of urban afforesting and greening is 3,512hm2, built-up afforesting and greening covering area of 2,294hm2 is included. the area of urban green space is 3,346hm2, built-up urban green space area of 2 189hm2 and urban public green space area of 589hm2are included in the end of 2005. The built-up afforesting and greening coverage rate of Yinchuan is increased from 22.01% to 24.15% from 1999 to now. The built-up green space rate is 23.06%. The per capita public green space area is increased from 3.4m2 to 7.45m2 from 1999 to now. The road planting is 253 kilometers and the road green space area is 94hm2.2. According to the statistical investigation, there are 85 typical tree species in Yinchuan city. There are 466 tree species that can be planted in Yinchuan city, 243 tree species that can be planted well are included. At present, there are 30 tree species that can be widespread planted in the road space. The main trees are Cupressus funebris, Picea asperata etc, the main shrubs are Syringa oblate, Forsytia suspense, etc. The main grasses are Papaver rhoeas, Pharbitis indica etc.3. The urban afforesting and greening main problems are: roadside trees and some species are In a low state, the characteristics are not prominent. There is randomness in the choice of roadside trees. The considering deficiency of long-term benefits and ecological benefit are in the green space trees configuration, only paying attention to landscaping effect, the native tree species carry no weight, the configuration of hardwood and evergreen tree, the native tree species and new species, fast-growing tree and slow-growing tree are not reasonable.4. The author put forward the development countermeasure and suggestions. The characteristic should be noticeably, the afforesting and greening species should be abundance and manifesting the diversity of road green space. The introduce of new species should be active, the special ornamental trees should be development and utilization. It should increase management and maintenance level, reduce the plant disease and insect pest and prolong the trees life. The season color diversification should be considered in the trees configuration. The solid afforesting and greening should be developed and enhance the afforesting and greening rate of coverage.

【关键词】 银川绿化树种
【Key words】 YinchuanGreeningtrees
  • 【分类号】S732
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】642

