

Studies on Biological and Rearing Technique of the Parasitoids on Emerald Ash Borer

【作者】 武辉

【导师】 李孟楼; 杨忠岐;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 白蜡窄吉丁(Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire)是白蜡属树木的毁灭性蛀干害虫,自然分布于东北亚地区,近年来传播到美国和加拿大。目前在国内外一些地区危害较重。为利用天敌控制白蜡窄吉丁的危害,对该虫寄生性天敌的生物学作了研究。测定了白蜡窄吉丁及2寄生性优势天敌白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂(Spathius agrili Yang)和白蜡吉丁啮小蜂(Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang)在越冬阶段的过冷却点和冰点。对新种白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂(Scleroderma pupariae Yang et Yao)的生物学、行为学和繁育技术进行了研究。主要结论如下:白蜡窄吉丁的过冷却点在-26.38~-23.04℃之间,冰点在-21.72~-11.64℃之间;白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂的过冷却点为-26.28℃,冰点为-22.50℃;白蜡吉丁啮小蜂的过冷却点为-24.48℃,冰点为-21.87℃。结合当地的气候条件探讨了白蜡窄吉丁及其天敌可能的地理分布范围,并认为越冬对种群数量的影响较小。白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂是白蜡窄吉丁幼虫和蛹的一种有效寄生蜂,该蜂1年发生5代,世代重叠严重,自然寄生率为13.9%,雌性成蜂不补充营养的条件下平均寿命可达27.38±0.43天,雄性成蜂平均寿命为12.43±0.35天。性比(♀:♂)为18.9~49.5:1,第一代雌性有翅率最高为56.6%。有孤雌生殖现象,其后代全部为雄性。在室内自然变温条件下,卵、幼虫、茧蛹期和全世代的发育起点温度分别为16.89±0.79、17.03±1.42、16.90±1.68和15.31±0.47℃。有效积温分别为33.82±4.13、49.11±7.93、128.88±27.87和277.00±14.15日.度。根据当地的气候预测该蜂每年可发生4.75代,与实际相符。白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂的寄主有白蜡窄吉丁各龄幼虫、合欢吉丁幼虫、苹果小吉丁幼虫和蛹、花椒窄吉丁幼虫、核桃窄吉丁幼虫、麻天牛幼虫、黄粉虫蛹、光肩星天牛低龄幼虫、芦螟幼虫和蛹、复纹狭天牛幼虫、一种苹果天牛幼虫。白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂种的行为学复杂,对寄主有较强的搜索力和攻击力,其搜索机制可能主要是来自于寄主虫粪的气味,与寄主本身发出的气味关系可能不大。该蜂的茧在8±2℃下贮藏74天后,羽化率不到10%。成蜂在8±2℃下贮藏78天后,雄性全部死亡,雌性有滤纸或蜂蜜水保湿的情况下死亡率为5.0~41.7%,不保湿的情况下死亡率为0,成蜂经过低温贮藏与否对后代的产卵、出蜂量没有显著的差异。用白蜡吉丁蛹做寄主人工繁育该蜂表明,雌蜂一生能产卵3~5次,每次的平均出蜂量为32.9±1.2头。采用虫蜂比为1:2的繁殖方法出蜂量大于的1:1接蜂方法。用酒精处理寄主对产卵、羽化率和出蜂量没有显著的影响。

【Abstract】 Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (EAB) is an important destroyed wood-boring beetle attacking ash trees, and natural distributed northeast Asia. In recent years, it spread American and Canada. At present, this pest outbreak domestic and abroad, therefore, lead to enormous economic and ecology damage.In order to use natural enemies control EAB, the biological of enemies were studied. The super-cooling point and freezing point, in overwintering, of Spathius agrili Yang and Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang were determined. Scleroderma pupariae Yang et Yao was a new species and its biological, behavior and rearing techniques were researched. The mainly work and results of this paper are as follow:Results indicated that the super-cooling point and freezing point of EAB were ranged from -26.38 to -23.04℃and from -21.72 to -11.64℃respectively. The super-cooling point and freezing point of S. agrili were -26.28℃and -22.50℃, and T. planipennisi were 24.48℃and -21.87℃respectively. According to local climate that we predicted low temperature in winter is a little influence to their overwintering population.S. pupariae, ectoparasitoid of emerald ash borer (EAB) pupa, is a new effective natural enemy to EAB. It has 5 generations a year, and the generations overlaps heavily. Natural parasitod rate was 13.9%. The female adults average longevous were about 27.38±0.43 days without any nutrition supplementation and male adult were about 12.43±0.35 days. The sex ratio(♀:♂) was about 18.9~49.5:1. The female alate rate was different in every generation, and the rate in first generation was higher than in any other generation, it could reach 56.6%. Wasps parthenogenesis was observed without amphimixis, and their generations were all males.The development threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of S. pupariae were examined in room temperature. Results showed that the development threshold temperature of egg, larval, pupal stages and the whole generation were 16.89±0.79, 17.03±1.42, 16.90±1.68 and 15.31±0.47℃, respectively. The effective accumulated temperatures for these stages were 33.82±4.13, 49.11±7.93, 128.88±27.87 and 277.00±14.15 degree-day, respectively. According to local climate we predicted that this wasp may produce 4.75 generations one year, which was consistent with the practice. Host range of S. pupariae were determined in laboratory. The results showed that the wasp had a wide host range, including larva of EAB, Agrilus viduus, Agrilus mali, Agrilus zanthoxylumi, Agrilus lewisiellus, Falderman gebleri, Tenebrio molitor, Anoplophphora glabripennis, Chilo luteellus, Oatrinia orientalis, stenhomalus complicates, and another long-horned beetle. Pupa of EAB, Agrilus mali, Tenebrio molito and Chilo luteellus. The behaviour of S. pupariae was very complicated. The storage techniques and searching mechanism of S. pupariae were studied. Results indecated that wasps had stronger ability to search and attack the hosts, and its search mechanism possibly by identifying the hosts frass smell and had no relations with the smell that host larva sent out. The emergence rate was no more than 10 percent of the cocoon after stored 74 days in 8±2℃. After stored in 8±2℃for 78 days, male adults were all dead, and the death rate of female adults was 5.0~41.7 percent by using the water to keep humid, but without such condition, the death rate of female adults was 0. Low temperature storage had no significant difference in contrast to storage under room condition on their generations between oviposition and emergence number.The artificial rearing techniques were also researched. The results showed that female adults oviposited 3~5 times in their lifetime, and average emergence wasps were 32.9±1.2, in using pupa of EAB as host. The rearing method which inoculated one wasp or two to the pupa in the tube was studied, and the results indicated that the amount of propagation with the former method was more than the amount with the latter one. The amount of oviposition and emergence with the treatment to host by alcohol had no difference with the control group.

  • 【分类号】S769
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】274

