

Study on Genetic Diversity of Some Yellow Cattle Breeds in China

【作者】 王均辉

【导师】 昝林森; 张桂香;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以中国部分地方黄牛皖南牛、吉安黄牛、威宁黄牛、务川黑牛、隆林黄牛、涠洲黄牛、秦川牛、迪庆黄牛、三江牛、徐闻牛和三个引进品种西门塔尔牛、夏洛来牛、德国黄牛为研究对象,采用联合国粮农组织(FAO)和国际动物遗传学会(ISAG)联合推荐的15对微卫星DNA引物,以ABI3100-Avant全自动基因序列分析仪为平台,结合荧光-多重PCR技术,检测了10个中国地方黄牛和3个引进品种,共计756个个体的基因型,并对标记后扩增产物进行序列分析。通过计算等位基因数和频率、特有等位基因数、杂合度、多态信息含量、有效等位基因数、Nei氏遗传距离(DA)和Nei氏标准遗传距离(DS),采用非加权组平均法等方法,分析了中国地方黄牛群体内和群体间的遗传变异。结果如下:1、在15个微卫星座位上共检测到了242个等位基因,每个座位平均等位基因是16.1个,ILSTS034座位的等位基因最多,达到26个,ILSTS054和BM1824座位的等位基因最少,为10个,其余座位等位基因在11~22之间。13个黄牛品种中,平均等位基因数在7~11个,三江牛和西门塔尔牛、德国黄牛的平均等位基因数最少,威宁黄牛、务川黑牛和隆林黄牛的平均等位基因数最多。13个黄牛品种的遗传多样性丰富,遗传变异较大。2、在13个黄牛品种中,共发现32个特有等位基因,除务川黑牛、隆林黄牛和德国黄牛没有特有等位基因,其他黄牛都至少在某一微卫星座位上有一特有等位基因,其中秦川牛和迪庆黄牛的特有等位基因数最多,达到5个。在15个微卫星座位中,ILSTS054和SPS115两个座位没有发现特有等位基因,TGLA122的特有等位基因数最多,为6个。13个中外黄牛品种在15个微卫星座位中的特有等位基因频率都比较低,只有夏洛来牛在ETH185座位上的243bp等位基因频率(0.052)和德国黄牛在TGLA122座位上的180bp等位基因频率(0.112)大于0.05。13个中外黄牛品种在15个微卫星座位中一共发现19个优势等位基因,等位基因频率都大于0.50。3、13个黄牛品种在15个微卫星座位上,多态信息含量(PIC)、群体杂合度和有效等位基因数,分别为0.3232~0.8973,0.3340~0.9043和1.5016~10.4534。务川黑牛在ILSTS034座位上最高,西门塔尔牛在INRA032座位上最低。ILSTS034座位的平均多态信息含量和平均杂合度都最高,达到0.8250和0.8381,HEL13座位的最低,分别为0.6052和0.6479 ;迪庆黄牛的这三项指标最高,分别为0.7744,0.8003和5.3573,德国黄牛的最低,分别为0.6203,0.6651和3.3308。13个黄牛品种遗传变异较大,迪庆黄牛的遗传变异最大,德国黄牛最小。本研究所选用的15个微卫星座位,属于高度多态性座位,可以用于黄牛的遗传多样性的分析研究。4、10个地方黄牛品种与3个引进品种之间有很大差异,两者之间的遗传距离较大。10个地方黄牛品种中,皖南牛、吉安黄牛、隆林黄牛、涠洲黄牛和徐闻牛之间的遗传距离都很小(DA为0.0646~0.1286,DS为0.0356~0.0987);而三江牛与其它地方黄牛品种间的遗传距离较大,为0.1373~0.2647(DA)和0.1628~0.3466(DS)。在3个引进品种之间的遗传距离较小。5、13个黄牛品种聚为三大类,第一类为皖南牛、吉安黄牛、隆林黄牛、涠洲黄牛和徐闻牛;第二大类为威宁黄牛、务川黑牛、迪庆黄牛、秦川牛和三江牛;第三大类为西门塔尔牛、夏洛来牛和德国黄牛三个外来品种。

【Abstract】 The genetic diversity of thirteen cattle breeds, including ten native breeds in China and three introduced breeds from Europe, were studied by using 15 microsatellite DNA markers which were recommended by FAO and ISAG. .A total of 756 genotypes were detected and amplified products were analyzed based on ABI3100-Avant auto gene sequenator and fluorescence multiplex PCR. By calculating the alleles frequency, peculiar allele, heterozygosity(H), polymorphism information content (PIC), effective number of alleles(Ne), Nei’s genetic distance(DA) and Nei’s standard genetic distance(DS) among cattle breeds and constructing dendrogram as well as UPGMA method to analyze the genetic variability and genetic relationship between yellow cattle breeds. The results were as follows:1. A total of 242 alleles were detected from fifteen microsatellite loci, and the average number was 16.1. The most allele number was 26 for ILSTS034, the least was 10 for ILSTS054 and BM1824, and other loci were from 11 to 22 in fifteen microsatellite loci. In thirteen cattle breeds, the mean allele number was from 7 to 11, the most was Weining, Wuchuan Black and Longlin, and the least was Sanjiang, Simmental and Germany Yellow. The genetic diversity of thirteen cattle breeds was plentiful and the genetic variation was relatively great.2. A total of 32 peculiar alleles were found in thirteen cattle breeds, and other cattle breeds had a peculiar allele at least in one microsatellite loci except Wuchuan Black, Longlin and Germany Yellow, and the most was 5 for Qinchuan and Diqing. There were no peculiar allele in ILSTS054 and SPS115, and the most was 6 in TGLA122 at fifteen microsatellite loci. The frequency of peculiar allele was lower at fifteen microsatellite loci in thirteen cattle breeds, no other breeds but alleles frequency of ETH185 in the 243bp (0.052) for Simmental and TGLA122 in the 180bp (0.112) for Gemany Yellow were bigger than 0.05. There were 19 superior alleles at fifteen microsatellite loci in thirteen cattle breeds and the allele frequency were all larger than 0.50. 3. At fifteen loci the PIC was from 0.3232 to 0.8973 and the heterozygosity was from 0.3340 to 0.9043 and the Ne was from 1.5016 to 10.4534 in thirteen cattle breeds. Three indexes were maximum at ILSTS034 for Wuchuan Black and minimum at INRA032 for Simmental. The mean PIC and heterozygosity of ILSTS034 locus were the highest as 0.8250 and 0.8381; however that of HEL13 locus were the lowest as 0.6052 and 0.6479. Three indexes that were the mean PIC and heterozygosity and Ne were the highest for Diqing as 0.7744, 0.8003 and 5.3573; that were the lowest for Germany Yellow as 0.6203, 0.6651 and 3.3308. The genetic variation for thirteen cattle breeds was remarkably, and it for Diqing was maximum and Germany Yellow was minimum. The fifteen microsatellite loci that were used in the disquisition were highly polymorphic and are applied to analyze the genetic diversity for cattle breeds.4. The genetic distance of the ten native cattle breeds was larger than three introduced breeds. The genetic distance among Wannan, Ji’an, Longlin, Weizhou and Xuwen was samll, and DA ranging from 0.0646 to 0.1286 and DS from 0.0356 to 0.0987. The genetic distance between Sanjian and other native cattle breeds was large, and DA was from 0.1373 to 0.2647 and DS from 0.1628 to 0.3466. The genetic distance was smallest among three introduced breeds.5. Thirteen cattle breeds were clustered into three groups based on the UPGMA tree. The first group included Wannan, Ji’an, Longlin and Weizhou breeds; the second group included Weining, Wuchuan Black, Diqing, Qinchuan and Sanjiang breeds; Simmental and Charolais and Germany yellow breeds was belong to the third group.

  • 【分类号】S823
  • 【下载频次】139

