

An Analysis on Solfeggio & Ear Training’s Learning Motivation and Its Stimulation Strategies Research

【作者】 王章伟

【导师】 陈雅先;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 在同等智力条件下,非智力因素对学习有着更为重要的影响,其中学习动机在非智力因素结构中具有核心意义。学习动机是直接推动学生进行学习活动的心理动因,是引发、维持、导向学习行为的力量。它作为影响学习效果的重要变量,对学生的学习和心理发展有着重大的影响。近年来,学习动机已成为国内外教育心理学研究领域中一个引人关注的热门话题。视唱练耳是音乐教育领域的一门基础课。学好该课程是学好其他音乐课程乃至今后从事音乐工作的前提和基础。然而,在普通高校的视唱练耳教学实践中,学生普遍对该课程的学习不感兴趣,多数学生对该课程的学习感到困惑,缺乏自信,在学习行为上经常表现为上课注意力不集中,课堂表现不积极,害怕独立进行视唱和回答问题,害怕考试,甚至回避上课等等。诸如此类现象的产生都与学生的学习动机有关。视唱练耳课的学习效率与学生的学习动机有着密切联系。为了更加全面、深入地了解学生的学习心理,指出学生丧失学习动力的根本原因,从根源上解决当前视唱练耳课堂上突出的教与学之间的矛盾,本文以教育心理学相关的学习动机理论为基础,通过问卷、访谈等研究手段,对福州市四所普通高校音乐专业学生的视唱练耳学习动机进行了调查,分析了学生视唱练耳学习动机的现状和存在的问题,及其内、外部影响因素,并据此论证了创设有助于激发学生学习动机的课堂教学理论上的依据和实践策略。

【Abstract】 Under the same intellegence level, nonintellegence factors have a strong impacton studying, including the first main factor—learning motivation which influencesthe quality of one’s learning is the direct psycological reason for the students to learn,and it also play an important part in student’s academic and psycologicaldevelopment. For a long time, it has been looked as an astirring point in the area ofthe educational sociology and psychology. Solfeggio & ear training is a basic coursein the field of musical education. It is the foundation for other musical courses orworks in the trade of music. However, students in ordinary colleges shows a lack ofinterest in the practice of Solfeggio & ear training. Most students feel confused,unconfident, and for them, it is often hard to concentrate during classes. Studentsparticipate in classes passively and are afraid to do Solfeggio exercises independently,they are also afraid of tests and even try to avoid classes. All these phenomenon hassomething to do with the students’ learning motivation.The result of learning of classes on Solfeggio & ear training is closely related tothe students’ learning motivation. In order to learn about the psycology of studentsin the process of learning more deeply in an all round way, and point out thefoundamental reason for the students to lose their incentive to study so as to solvethe contradiction between teaching and learning in current classes.I surveyed musicmajored students from 4 ordinary colleges in Fuzhou on the basis of theories oflearning motivation related to educational psycology. I did opinion polls andinterviews and analysed the current situation of the motivation of the students andthe existing problems, as well as inner and outer factors that influences it.Accordingly, I developed a theoretical foundation and practical strategies that willhelp to stimulate the students to study.

  • 【分类号】J613.1
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】411

