

Inheritance and Development of Contemporary Guzheng Performance Techniques

【作者】 杨凡

【导师】 王耀华;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 音乐学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 传统古筝演奏流派特色鲜明,地域色彩浓厚。当代古筝演奏技法自1955年现代筝曲《庆丰年》的创作,开创双手演奏技法后,历经了四十多年的发展,其中既有对传统演奏技法的传承,也有大量的创新技法。其中,传统的演奏技法已经自然地融合到现代筝曲中,在借鉴吸收其他民族乐器、西洋乐器的演奏技法的基础上,结合筝自身的乐器特性,发展出诸多中国化、古筝化的新演奏技法。本文旨在通过对当代古筝代表性演奏技法的分析,总结出其中属于对传统演奏技法传承的部分,及发展创新的部分,并进一步分析当代古筝演奏技法演变的社会原因、文化原因、主观原因及客观原因。笔者认为,古筝演奏技法的发展不是偶然的,而是由社会文化生活的变化、多元文化的相互碰撞、演奏“场”及听众阶层的变化、创作群体的多元化、传统演奏观念的影响等诸多因素影响所造成的必然结果。

【Abstract】 Traditional guzheng performance has distinct styles and regional uniqueness.Startingwiththe composition of the contemporary guzheng piece, Qing Feng Nian (Celebration ofHarvest)of 1955, which introduced performances using both hands, the performancetechniques of modern guzheng have undergone 40 years of developments. Among thesedevelopments, there are those inherited from traditional techniques, as well as manyinnovations.Modern guzheng performance has naturally absorbed those traditional techniques. Italso incorporates the performance techniques of other traditional Chinese instruments andwestern music instruments, and combines these with guzheng’s own characteristics todevelop various new Chinese-styled and guzheng-styled techniques. Through an analysisof some representative contemporary guzheng performance techniques, this article seeksto summarize those inherited and innovated, and further analyze the various sociological,cultural, subjective and objective factors contributing to the developments of thesetechniques.The transformation of guzheng performance techniques is not accidental. It is theinevitable result of many factors, such as the evolution of social and cultural lives, theinteraction of different cultures, the changes of performing environments and the audience,the diversity of composer groups, as well as the influences of traditional performanceconceptions.

【关键词】 古筝演奏技法20世纪传承文化
【Key words】 performance techniques20th centuryinheritancecultureGuzheng
  • 【分类号】J632.32
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】3579

