

Research on Writing <the Biography of Hermits> of the Twenty-four History Books

【作者】 王营绪

【导师】 戴显群;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 史学理论与史学史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 二十四史作为公认的正史,其中百分之九十以上的列传都是写王公大臣的,然而,史学家们又为隐士们留有一席之地,这既是对他们有益于封建统治的肯定,也是对他们人生价值取向的肯定,同时也是对他们高尚精神价值的肯定。隐逸是中华古代文化的重要组成部分,它不仅存在于隐士的隐逸行为之中,更被历代史学家所重视,编撰于历代正史之中。二十四史虽编撰朝代不同,历史背景各异,然基本都有隐逸行为的记载,其中更有《后汉书》等十四部正史开辟了隐逸传。隐逸传的编撰是与当时的隐逸风气密不可分的,而隐逸风气又是与当时的社会背景息息相关的。因此,本文试从史学史的角度,通过对历代社会状况的分析,来阐述隐逸风气的兴衰,从而来说明历代隐逸传的编撰情况和编撰特点。隐士是封建社会一股不容忽视的重要政治力量,对于缓解社会矛盾,维护封建统治具有不可替代的作用,所以,历代统治者都注重隐逸传的编撰。同时,隐逸传的编撰也产生了深远的影响,对隐士阶层来说,隐逸传的编撰,使隐逸“合法”化,提高了隐士的地位;从隐逸文化方面来说,隐逸传的编撰,传播了隐逸的思想;从封建社会的发展方面来说,隐逸传的编撰,有利于缓和社会矛盾,维护社会稳定。

【Abstract】 The Twenty-four History Books are considered to the official history books. Inwhich 90%biographies are writing of emperors and ministers. While thehistoriographers set aside some words to record the hermit estate. This is not onlythe assent of their help to the feudal dominion, but also to their life-tropism andspirit value.Reclusion is an important part of the ancient Chinese culture. It is not onlyconsisted in the behavior of hermits, but also be much accounted by eachhistoriographer and written in each Past Dynastic Official History Book. TheTwenty-four History Books were written in different time and backdrops, but almostall have the records of reclusive behavior. Especially, <the Biography of Hermits>were written in fourteen history books, such as <the Later History Book of HanDynasty> etc. The writing of <the Biography of Hermits> is related to the reclusivevogue of the time, and the vogue is related to the social backgrounds. So, this articleis from the point of the history of historiography, analyses the social backdrops ofthe time, explains the rising and falling of reclusive vogue, interpret thecircumstance and the trait of <the Biography of Hermits>.The hermit estate is an important part of the society of the time. It plays animportant role in the society developing and the maintenance of the feudal dominion.So the feudal government paid more attention to the writing of <the Biography ofHermits>.At the same time, the writing of <the Biography of Hermits> plays an importantrole.To the hermit estate, the writing of <the Biography of Hermits> improves theirsocial status; To the culture of reclusion, the written of <the Biography of Hermits>spreads the vogue of reclusion; To the government of the time, the writing of <theBiography of Hermits> is helpful to the feudal dominion.

  • 【分类号】K204
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】425

