

Between the Political and the Academic: A Critical Biography of Tao Xi-sheng

【作者】 许莹莹

【导师】 汪征鲁;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 陶希圣,中国现代史中有名的政学双栖的风云人物。其一生勤于治学,尤其早年著述相当丰富,曾参与“中国社会史论战”,言论远播海外,有所谓“陶希圣时代”之称。1934年,陶希圣发起创办《食货》半月刊,对于中国社会经济史研究有筚路蓝缕之功;在后半生的政治领域中,陶希圣曾追随汪精卫参与中日“和平运动”,后迷途知返,反戈一击,终于将功补过。此后,陶希圣又受到蒋介石的重用,为蒋介石捉刀撰写《中国之命运》一书。作为一个知识分子,陶希圣一生徘徊于学术与政治领域之间,走过了一条由学术而政治的艰难曲折之路,惹来颇多是非功过的评判。本文旨在通过对陶希圣的学、政生涯的梳理和研究,以期正确看待这一历史人物以及造就这一历史人物的时代背景。

【Abstract】 Tao Xi-sheng is a famous personage in the Chinese contemporary history, whoroosted both in politics and study.He was industrious at doing academic research all hislife. Especially in his early life,the writings were quite rich.He once participated in"theDebate on Chinese social history".His opinions were so widely spread that the time wasonce called "the time of Tao Xi-sheng".In 1934 ,Tao Xi-sheng initiated a semimonthlypublication called " ShiHuo ",which was a pioneering work to the research of the Chinesesocial and economic history.In the political domain of his latter life,Tao Xi-sheng oncefollowed Wang Jing-wei to participate in "the Peace Movement"between China and Japan.Finally he realized his fault and made up for it by good deeds.Hereafter, Tao Xi-shengreceived Chiang Kai-Shek’s entrusting with heavy responsibility and ghostwrited thebook"Destiny of the Chinese’for Chiang Kai-Shek.As an intellectual, Tao Xi-sheng pacedback and forth between the academic and the political domain all his life, experiencing adifficult road from study to politics,which aroused quite a few censures.This article isintended to study the Tao Xi-sheng’ academic and political lifetime with a purpose tocorrectly regard this historical personage as well as the background of this time.

【关键词】 陶希圣政治学术评传
【Key words】 Tao Xi-shengpoliticsstudybiography
  • 【分类号】K827
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】266

