

Research on Lai Xinxia and the History of Northern Warlrds (1949-2006)

【作者】 廖德明

【导师】 高峻;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 来新夏是中国近代史领域的杰出学者,他主要集中精力于北洋军阀史研究,经过半个世纪的努力,取得了非凡的成就。为此,本文选择《来新夏与北洋军阀史研究论探》为论题,以探讨来新夏的学术成就和思想。在借鉴前人研究经验的基础上,本文在辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的理论和方法的指导下,运用比较的研究方法,结合来新夏生平,对其北洋军阀史研究成就及其学术思想进行了系统、全面的研究和分析,探讨其学术理念和方法。通过对新中国成立半个世纪以来来新夏与其他学者在北洋军阀史领域研究成果的比较,笔者认为来新夏在新中国北洋军阀史研究中作出了突出贡献,他是北洋军阀史研究的开拓者和推动者,具有自己独特的史学研究方法。来新夏的学人风骨和治学精神值得我们学习继承;而他的治学方法、史学思想则是个硕大的宝库,我们有必要通过研读他的著作,挖掘这个宝库。是为本文立意所在。

【Abstract】 Lai Xinxia is the outstanding scholar in the realm of modern history of China, who forcus on the researches of Northern Warlord history. With his half century efforts, he has made extraordinary achievements. In this article, my thesis is aiming at exploring the achievements and the thoughts of Lai Xinxia in his studies on the history of Northern Warlords. On the basis of using the former research and combining with hai Xinxia’s academic career, this essay will be guided by dialectical and historical materialism theory and method, concerns systemically and comprehensively hai Xinxia’s academic achievements as well as the academic thought, and tries to inquiry into hai Xinxia’s learning concept and historical ideology by using comparison research method. By comparing researches on the Northern Warlord history between Lai Xinxia and other scholars after half of century of the People’s Republic of China, I conclude that hal Xinxia has made prominent contribution to the researches of Northern Warlord history in the People’ s Republic of China. He is an exploiter and propellent of the Northern Warlord history research, and has his own unique history research method. The scholar’s character and the research spirit of Lai Xinxia are worthy of our studying and inheriting, His learning method and history thought are also a very large treasure-house. We should study his works to excavate this treasure-house, It is the purpose of this paper.

  • 【分类号】K258.2;K092.7
  • 【下载频次】587

