

Research on Learning Burnout of Sports Specialized Students in Colleges and Universities in Fujian Province

【作者】 贾燕

【导师】 张涵劲; 陈俊钦; 方熙嫦; 朱昌义;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用文献法、调查法、统计法和逻辑分析法,对福建省高校体育专业大学生的学习倦怠状况进行了较系统的研究。根据体育专业课程学习的特点,本研究将体育专业大学生学习倦怠类型初步划分为:理论课学习倦怠和技术课学习倦怠;在理论课学习倦怠研究中,采用了杨丽娴编制的《大学生学习倦怠量表》,并根据其量表改编研制了《体育专业大学生技术课学习倦怠问卷》,进而采用以上两份问卷对体育专业大学生进行学习倦怠状况的测量。研究结果表明:(1)体育专业大学生技术课学习倦怠问卷分为三个维度:情绪低落、行为不当、成就感低,且该问卷有较好的信、效度,可以作为本研究的有效工具:(2)体育专业大学生的学习倦怠状况虽然不至于非常严重,但也不容乐观。不管是在理论课还是技术课中,都是行为不当得分最高,其次为情感低落和成就感低;(3)在理论课和技术课中,在三个维度上都是理论课得分高于技术课;(4)性别、年级和专业都是影响学习倦怠的变量;(5)理论课学习倦怠的影响因素为:①环境因素,其中包括:课堂知识与自己的兴趣不符、教师教学没有吸引力、课堂学习气氛差、公共课(英语、政治等)考试压力大、读好书未必能顺利就业(就业压力)、理论知识与实践脱钩,学无所用;②个体因素,包括:没有明确的学习目标、不理解部分课程的基础作用、学习方法不正确、休息不足,课堂没有精神、文化基础差,听不懂。技术课学习倦怠的影响因素为:①环境因素,包括:课上人数多,教师无法指导每个学生、场地、器材条件差、气候的影响、所学内容枯燥乏味、专修课课时安排太少(专修开课晚)、就业压力大、技术课考试压力大;②个体因素,包括:身体疲劳或伤病时、自身进步不明显(没有成就感)、对某门技术课不敢兴趣、个人身体素质弱、个人目标不明确。(6)根据体育专业大学生学习倦怠的影响因素,得出相应的主要对策:①理论课学习倦怠的主要对策为:丰富教学内容;增加实践环节,注重实践能力的培养;改革教师的教学方法和手段,提高教师教学水平;加强学生思想教育工作,促进学风建设;合理安排理论课和技术课的顺序;促进学生学习方法的转变,使其掌握正确的学习方法;加强学生就业指导,解除学生后顾之忧。②技术课学习倦怠的主要对策为:改革教师的教学方法和手段,提高教师教学水平;根据不同项目特点,合理安排上课时间;加强场地、器材建设;制定合理的教学评价方式;采取小班教学,合理控制小班人数。

【Abstract】 The paper research the present situation of fujian province’s college and universities’ sports specialized students’ learnling burnout(LB) by means of documentary, investigation,mathematical statistics and logical analysis.cording to the characterristic of studying on the sports specialized curriculurn, This research studies the sports specialized university students’ learning burnout initially to divide into theory class learning burnour and technical class learning burnout. In theory class learning burnour research, we use the"College students’ learning burnout questionnaire"(CSLBQ) which was designed by Yang Li Xian,and develope the"sports specialized college students’technical class learning burnout questionnaire"(SSCSTCLBQ),then use above two questionnaires to study the learning burnout condition of sports specialized college students.The results show that(1) SSCSTCLBQ contains three dimensions:emotional turndown(ET), behavioral unsuitableness(BU), low personal accomplishment(LPA). Inspections indicate that the questionnaire is of satisfactory reliability and validity, so it can be a useful measurement implement for the research;(2) sports specialized college students’ LB doesn’t arrive at the worst level, while We should not optimize the conditions. Among three dimensions,not only theory class but also technical class, the scores of BU is the highest, then are ET and LPA.(3) in theory class learning burnour and technical class learning burnout, three dimensions,the three dimensions scores of theory class are higher than technical class.(4)the influences factors of LB are sex,grade and major.(5) the influences factors of theory class learning burnour contain environmental factor and individual factor.The environmental factor contains: classroom knowledge and own interest not symbol; the teacher teaching does not have the attraction; the classroom study atmosphere is bad; the public class(English, politics and so on) take a test pressure high; reads the book not necessarily to be able smoothly to get employed(employment pressure); the theory knowledge and the practice gets unhooked, studies does not have uses. The individual factor contains: not explicit study goal;don’t understander the foundation function of partial curricula; the study method is not correct; the classroom does not have the spirit because the rest is not full; the cultural base is bad, cannot understand.The influences factors of technical class learning burnour contain environmental factor and individual factor. The environmental factor contains: in the class the population are many, the teacher is unable toinstruct each student; the location and equipment condition are bad; climate influence; studies the content is arid tasteless;the beginning of major curriculum is too late;employment pressure high; technical class test pressure high.The individual factor contains: when the body is weary or wounded; own progress is not obvious(does not have achievement feeling); does not dare the interest to some technical class; individual physical quality is weak; individual goal is not clear.(6) according to the influences factors of sports specialized students’ learnling burnout,we obtain the corresponding main countermeasures.①the main countermeasure of theory class learning burnour contains: rich course content; increase practice link, attenion practice ability raise; reforms teacher’s teaching method, raises the teacherteaching level; strengthens the student ideological education work, the promotionschool tradition construction; reasonable arrangement theory class and technical class order; promotes the student to study the method the transformation, causes itto grasp the correct study method; strengthens the student careerguidance, relieves the student extra worries.②the main countermeasure of technica class learning burnour contains: reforms teacher’s teaching method, raises the teacherteaching level; according to different project characteristic,reasonable arrangement school hours; strengthens the location, theequipment construction; formulates the reasonable teaching appraisalway; adopts the bottom class in kindergarten teaching, reasonablycontrols the bottom class in kindergarten population.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1046

