

Study on the Reform of Teacher Certification System in China

【作者】 阮莉洪

【导师】 洪明;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在回顾我国教师资格证书制度形成过程的基础上,阐述了教师资格证书制度的含义、内容以及实施教师资格证书制度的意义,探讨了我国教师资格证书制度的实施现状,分析了完善教师资格证书制度所应具备的构成要素。指出应从改革教师资格认定制度、严格教师资格考试制度、规范教师资格管理制度三个方面着手,建立健全科学的教师资格证书制度。同时,完善教师资格证书制度的配套措施,包括科学实施教师教育机构认证制度、教师教育课程鉴定制度、教师教育工作者认可制度。全方位建立教师质量保障和监控的内部和外部机制,促进教师质量的提升。论文最后指出,只有教师资格证书制度得以健全和完善,教师才能走上专业成长与发展之路,教师专业化才能真正得到保障,教师的整体素质和教育质量才能得到提高。

【Abstract】 Based on the review of forming course of our Teacher Certification System, itnarrates the significance & content of Teacher Certification System, and the meaning ofimplementing it. It also probes into the status of implementation, and analyses thecomposing factors of perfecting Teacher Certification System. It states that the accreditingrule of teacher qualification shall be reformed, that the exnmining rule shall bestrengthened, and that the management system shall be regulated. Through these threemeasurements, a healthy and scientific teacher qualification system can be built. In themeantime, supporting measures shall be consummated, including scientifically puttinginto practice teacher educating organization authenticating rule, teacher educatingcurriculum recognizing rule and teacher educating stuff authorizing rule. Both interior andexterior mechanism of safeguarding and supervising shall be built in all aspects, topromote teacher’s quality. Finally, it points out that only after Teacher CertificationSystem has been perfected and completed, there will be a professionally shaping anddeveloping path for teachers, and teacher professionalization will be ensured, and qualityof teacher and teaching will be enhanced.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】1183

