

Study on Quanzhou Pear Garden Opera & Folk Customs and Culture

【作者】 罗金满

【导师】 王汉民;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 戏剧戏曲学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 泉州梨园戏是中国最古老的戏曲南戏的重要剧种之一,它发祥于以福建泉州为中心的广大闽南语地区,孕育于唐五代,形成于宋元,发展至今已有千年的历史。在长期的孕育形成和发展衍变过程中,梨园戏与民俗文化之间有着密切的联系,但对这个问题,目前戏曲界尚缺乏足够的关注和系统的研究。本文试从梨园戏的民俗文化渊源、演出与民俗、演艺习俗及梨园戏的传承发展与民俗等方面,对梨园戏与民俗文化的关系进行系统的探讨。首先,追溯梨园戏形成发展的民俗文化渊源,探讨了影响梨园戏的民俗文化源头,着重分析梨园戏与口头民俗、民间艺术及民俗信仰之间的关系;其次,探讨梨园戏演出与民俗之间的关系,分析了梨园戏的岁时习俗演出、以神诞为主的酬神演出、家庭喜庆和玩赏习俗等演出,并简介梨园戏在其它广大闽南语地区的演出情况;接着,探讨梨园戏在长期发展过程中形成的丰富而又具特色的演艺习俗,包括戏神信仰习俗、戏班组织生活习俗和演出习俗等。最后,就梨园戏的传承与发展问题,探讨了它近年来根据民俗需求的变化在表演艺术、剧目、发展策略及传媒技术与途径等方面所取得的成就。

【Abstract】 As one of the oldest south operas in China, Quanzhou Pear garden opera derived from Quanzhou City Fujian Province mostly and some other regions where MinNan dialect was used, which originated in Tang and Wudai dynasties, came into being in Song and Yuandynasties, and had been developing for almost 1000 years up to now. In the process of its forming and developing, Pear garden opera was closely connected with folk customs and culture. But less importance is attached to the relation between Pear garden opera & folk customs and culture, therefore, systematic study is also in embryo. The thesis systematicly narrates the relation of Pear garden opera and folk customs from four aspects which are the folk customs and culture’s source of Pear garden opera, performing activity and folk customs, folk customs and culture of Pear garden opera itself, inheriting and developing of Pear garden opera & folk customs and culture.The first chapter traces back to the main folk customs and culture which Pear garden opera were affected heavily and analyzes the relation between Pear garden opera and oral custom, folk art and folk believes.The second chapter narrates the relation between Quanzhou Pear garden opera’s performing activity and folk customs from three aspects which are seasonal customs, celebrating spirits’ birthdays, household festival and aesthetic performance, and simply narrates the situation of Pear garden opera in other regions where Minnan dialect was used.The third chapter narrates the ample and specific performaning customs of Pear garden opera which developed in its long history, including worship customs of opera spirits, the organizing and living customs of the opera staff and performing customs.Lastly, it narrates the inheriting and developing of Pear garden opera by the achievements of performing art, opera plays, developing strategies, media technologies and methods, which accord to the development of the customs lately.

  • 【分类号】J809.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】404

