

【作者】 凌朝霞

【导师】 袁锐锷;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以发生在澳大利亚20世纪80年代末、90年代初的“教育专业标准运动”为研究对象。这场运动的主题是为澳大利亚中小学教师、教育领导者以及澳大利亚的教师教育制订“专业标准”。利用因素法分析,本文得出,这场运动的兴起是由澳大利亚的经济、政治、教育自身的发展、国际与国内相关“专业标准”活动这些因素相互作用而发生的;而推动澳“教育专业标准运动”在20世纪90年代末、21世纪初发生转型并进一步发展的因素存在于,澳大利亚新一届联邦政府对该运动的重新规划、澳大利亚对前期教育改革的经验总结以及相关理论的发展。通过运用历史分析法对这场运动兴起与发展过程的纵向分析,本文认为这场运动的兴起是一种政府行为,其中包括联邦和州两级政府。他们利用政策、资金、宣传等措施来推动运动的展开;这时期所制订的“教育专业标准”多为“初任教师专业标准”,属于针对所有新教师的一般性“标准”;“标准"制订者多为教育行政机构中的人员,系统的“标准”制定程式尚未建立;“标准”的指标设计侧重于达成一定的教育教学目标所应具备的能力、结构上多为三级指标体系;而“标准”的制度建设及评价方法方面没有受到太多的重视。到了20世纪90年代末、21世纪初时,教育专业人员逐渐上升为这场运动的主要组织者之一。教育专业人员通过参与具体的“标准”制定与管理工作、举行论坛等形式来影响运动的发展;此时期所制定的“教育专业标准”在种类上增加了“单科教师标准”、“优秀专业人员标准”,而“教育领导标准”与“教师教育标准”在数量上较前期有增多;一线教育教学工作者在此时期开始广泛参与“标准”的制定工作,他们对“标准”态度和认识受到各方的重视。同时“归纳法”、“演绎法”还被引进“标准”的制定;“标准”内容的指标设计突破了侧重于工作职责和任务的局限,倡导从专业发展的维度来界定专业人员应具备的知能、素质等;以“标准”为基础的资格认证制度、晋升制度、专业发展制度等逐步完善。档案袋评价法、评估中心评价法等衡量教育专业人员是否达成“标准”的方法受到推广。基于以上的分析,本文认为这场运动的宗旨在于发挥澳大利亚各级政府、各个专业团体各自的权力和职责,共同合作来改进教育专业人员的质量,实现澳中小学教育质量的整体提升。通过将澳大利亚“教育专业标准运动”的“标准”建设在兴起与发展阶段、与国际上相关经验及澳国内其它专业领域“标准”建设对比,本文认为澳“教育专业标准运动”形成了较为健全合理、涵盖面广的“标准”体系;“标准”制定程序逐步科学规范;“标准”内容能根据时代需求的变化不断进行调整;“标准”与各种制定的结合曰渐紧密,评价方面日趋公正、客观有效。澳大利亚“教育专业标准运动”在“标准”建设方面的发展有利于这场运动宗旨的实现。“教育专业标准”的推行对澳大利亚中小学教育各利益相关者都带来较大的冲击和影响。这场运动的意义在于,有利于澳大利亚教育专业人员质量保障体系的完善、澳大利亚教育行业专业化程度的提高。而“标准”所服务的目的不够明确、理论研究的不足、不同“标准”的融通性的不够等是澳大利亚“教育专业标准运动”仍需进一步完善的地方。

【Abstract】 The subject of this research is Professional Teaching Standards Movement inAustralian which appears at the end of 1980’s and the beginning of 1990’s. Theagenda for this movement is standards setting for teachers and school leadership inAustralian elementary schools and for teacher education. Factor Analysis Approachis used in this research to probe into the factors for the movement appearance andfind out factors include economic development, policy strategy, educationaldevelopment, standards related activities in other countries and other professions ofAustralian at that time. The reasons for further development and transformation ofthis movement at the end of 1990’s and the beginning of 2000’s lie behind the newpolicy on the professional teaching standards hold by the newly elected federalgovernment of Australian in 1996, the experience of previous educational reformsand the new theory achievement.Historical research is used to investigate the process of this movement development.From which can make the conclusion that the rise of this movement contribute toAustralian federal and state government who deliberately made many effort to theappearance of this movement. A majority of standards set during this period areprofessional teacher standards which belong to general standards also. Standardsdevelopers mainly come from educational bureaucracy and the content of thestandards focus on the competencies required for specific educational aims in theform of these level criteria. The implementation of the standards does not getappropriate attention.At the time of the end of 1990’s and the beginning of 2000’s, educationalprofessionals get the leader position in this movement who are the leading actor ofstandards setting and management and forum runner concerning standards issuesetc.. During this period, The standards for subject teachers and for excellenceteachers are set, standards for educational leadership and teacher education becomemore popular. Classroom teacher are welcomed in standards setting activities andstandards setting methods get improved. Professional development perspective isused in content criteria design. Standards-based accreditation, standards-basedprofessional development system etc. starts to run and the assessment against thestandards now conclude portfolio assessment, assessment centre etc..Based on the former analysis, this research believes that the aim of this movement isto improve the quality of Australian educational professionals through thecooperation of Australian federal and state government and professional associationsfor the goods of the entire Australian elementary education. By comparison thestandards construction between the first stage and the second stage, and between theinternational educational standards construction, and between the standardsconstruction in other Australian professionals, conclusion that standards constructionin this movement is mature can be made which is beneficial to the aims of thismovement to be achieved. The influence of the movement widely spread into thestakeholders of Australian elementary education. The implications of this movementlie in the quality assurance system and education professionalization. There arealso some problems needs further effort to overcome for future movementdevelopment, such as the purpose a standards serves is not so clear at present, the theory underlie the standards development is not so conceivable, various set ofstandards needs to be systematical etc..

  • 【分类号】G561.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】545

