

【作者】 林飞

【导师】 傅坚;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 逻辑学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “预设”作为一个逻辑概念,是德国哲学家、逻辑学家和数学家弗雷格首先提出来的。他认为专有名词总是指向客观存在的实体,即使句子或命题被否定,预设仍不受影响。语义学也认为预设是可以从句子的语义结构层面分析得出的。正因为从逻辑——语义的角度研究预设,人们便认为预设是不可取消的。同时,弗雷格认为一个表达式的意义是其合成部分意义的组合,语句的意义是由其组成部分的意义组成的,于是,人们便把复句的预设看成是分句预设的简单相加。但是,大量的例子表明,并非所有复句的预设都是其分句预设的简单相加,在有的情况下,分句的预设消失不见了,不能上升到复句中成为复句的预设。这样,预设投射问题就摆在了人们面前。随着预设投射问题的发现,人们试图建立一套理论原则来构拟预设的生存特性和可取消性,以便对预设投射问题作出一个完整的解释,大量关于预设投射问题研究的理论便应然而生。本文讨论了两种影响很大的对预设投射问题的处理方法,即卡土南和彼特士的归约含义理论和盖士达的含义取消理论。在本文中,这两种理论都是描述性的。前者认为预设是一种规约含义,同时词汇和语法结构也具有一种继承功能,这种功能决定预设的上升或取消。盖士达则对所有的预设投射现象规定了统一的投射条件,即语境和句子的蕴涵意义。句子的会话含义和预设本身都可以决定预设的上升或取消。但是,这两个理论并不能完全准确地预测分句预设的投射,因此它们自身的正确性也受到了挑战。关联理论是认知语用学的基础,是二十世纪八九十年代由法国认知心理学家斯波珀和威尔逊在批判和发展了格赖斯的“会话原则”的基础上提出来的。关联理论中有关语境和交际的观点为人们理解话语提供了新的角度,它认为人们的交际为的就是改变对方的认知语境,听话者所要做的,是找出说话者话语中的最佳关联的解释。在吸取了关联理论有关语境和交际的观点后,本文的最后一部分提出了一个我称之为“对比——选择”法的方法来解决预设的投射问题。我把复句看成是人们交际中的话语,这样,人们对复句的理解,就变成了从听话者的角度去理解复句,并从最佳关联的角度出发去决定分句的预设是否能成为复句的预设。

【Abstract】 As a logic concept, presupposition was first proposed by Germanicphilosopher G. Frege, who is also a logician and mathematician. He heldthe idea that proper noun always referred to external objective entity, thatis the negation of sentence or preposition had no impact on presupposition.It is also said that presupposition can be analyzed in semantic level insemantics.It is because people studied presupposition in the point of logics andsemantics that they thought that presupposition could not be cancelled.What’s more, Frege held the idea that the meaning of a sentence wasconstituted by the meaning of its composing elements. To do that, peopletreated presupposition of compound sentence as the simple plus ofpresupposition of component sentences. Great amount of examples,however, had indicated that not all of cases talked above works. In somecases, presupposition of component sentences disappeared and could notbecome the presupposition of compound sentence.Along with the development of projection problem of presupposition,with the aim to illustrate it fully, people tried to establish a theory to thinkof its existence and cancellation character, and many theories relevantcome into being subsequently. The paper introduced two main theories: the"Conventional implicature "theory of Karttunen and Peters and thecancellation approach of Gazdar, which are just described in the paper."Conventional implicature "theory took the idea that presupposition is akind of conventional implicature, vocabulary and grammar can also have aheritage function, which determine the appearance and cancellation ofpresupposition. Gazdar, on the other hand, prescribed a unitivequalification for all projection, which was implication of context andsentence, and conversational implicatuure of sentence and presuppositionthemselves could determine appearance and cancellation of presupposition.These two theories, however, can not exactly forecast projection ofpresupposition of component sentence, neither, so validity of them facedgreat challenge. Relevant theory, on the basis of cognitive pragmatics, was proposed byFrench cognitive psychologist Sperber and Wilson in the process ofcriticizing Grice’s conversational principle. Views of context andcommunication in relevant theory provided new angle in understandingconversation. It thought that the purpose for communication was to changelistener’s cognitive context. What the listener should do was to look forrelevant illustration from speaker’s conversation. On the basis of views ofcontext and communication in relevant theory, the paper tries to illustratethe question of projection of presupposition in contrast and selection, anddiscuss whether presupposition of component sentence can becomepresupposition of compound sentence. In my point of view, compoundsentence is utterance in conversation, so it can be understood fromlistener’s view.

  • 【分类号】B81
  • 【下载频次】298

