

Global Analysis of Static and Seismic Response for the Concrete Gravity Dam and Factory Building at Dam Toe

【作者】 武颖利

【导师】 蔡新;

【作者基本信息】 南京水利科学研究院 , 水工结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国水利水电事业的发展和混凝土坝筑坝技术水平的迅速提高,在水利资源丰富的西南和西北地区正在设计修建众多高坝大库,且常采用混凝土重力坝的型式以及坝后式厂房的布置。由于地质构造的原因这些地区又是高烈度地震频发地区。在高烈度地震作用下,混凝土重力坝及厂房的抗震安全性关系到下游广大地区工农业生产和人们的生命财产的安全,因此,对混凝土重力坝及坝后厂房的地震响应分析具有重大的现实意义。本文以某水电站工程为例,采用有限元静动力分析方法,研究在不同载荷工况下,坝体及厂房的应力位移响应。主要做了以下几个方面的工作:1、参考国内外相关文献,综述了混凝土坝的发展概况,介绍了有限静元动力分析方法以及国内外在混凝土坝和水电站厂房方面的研究现状。2、利用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS,依据某水电站设计参数,对厂房坝段以及坝后式厂房建立合适的三维有限元整体模型和分块模型,计算在不同工况下坝体、背管和厂房各部分的应力和位移等工作性态。3、对整体模型和分块模型进行模态分析,研究其自振频率及结构振型,在模态分析的基础上,对整体模型和分块模型进行地震反应谱分析,结果表明,整体模型虽然建模、划分单元和计算的工作量都远大于独立模型,但整体模型因为可以反应厂坝的相互作用,使得结果更加符合实际,并能为厂坝结合部位的结构设计提供可靠依据;对整体模型进行地震时程分析,并与整体模型反应谱分析结果对比,分析两种方法的优缺点。4、考虑机组振动情况,按规范计算机组强迫振动频率,对机组运行中可能出现的振源及频率进行计算分析,对是否出现共振进行校核;考虑机组振动对结构的影响,给出机组振动下结构的最大动应力和动位移响应,从而指导厂房机组的选型和布置设计。5、通过厂坝结构的整体静动力分析计算,综合评价设计方案的安全可靠性。对厂坝联合作用下的整体地震动力分析目前研究很少,本文作了有益的尝试,得出了有一定参考价值的结论和认识。

【Abstract】 Now with the rapid development of water conservation and concrete dam technology, many height dams and large reservoirs will be constructed in southwest and northwest regions with plentiful water resource, and the gravity dam and factory building at dam toe are often choosed, at the same time those regions has frequent earthquake because of the geologic structure. It is endanger the industrial and agricultural production, the safety of people’s life and property in the large regions of downstream under the high intensity seismic action. So it’s very significant that numerical analysis the response of the seismic action for the concrete gravity dam and factory building at dam toe. This paper base on an hydro-power station, use the method of static and dynamic 3-D finite element analysis, calculate the stress and displacement response of concrete dam and it’s factory building under two kinds of load characteristic. The main works of this paper are as follows:1. According to reading the domestic and international literatures, summarized the development actuality of concrete gravity dam, introduced the relative theories and methods of dynamical analysis and the research actuality of gravity dam and hydro-power station factory.2. By using finite element software ANSYS, based on an hydro-power station, the holistic 3-D finite element simulation model of dam, back pipe, and factory building was built, to calculate the stress and displacement of structure under two kinds of load characteristic, and gain the maximal stress and displacement of dam, back pipe, and factory building.3. Through self-vibration character analysis of the separate and holistic 3-D finite element simulation model, the self-vibration frequencies and mode shapes of structure ware calculated. Based on the results, the seismic response action spectrum method was given to the three models. The results shows that the holistic model was much more difficult than separate model in model building, element meshing and calculating, but it was complex conform to reality and it can also reflect the interaction of dam and factory building. The holistic model was analyzed by dynamic time-history theory, compared with the result of seismic response action spectrum method, the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are studied.4. According to the norms, the generator units forced vibration frequencies were calculated, the Operation of the units might appear of oscillator focus and frequency were analyzed, and on the whether resonance checked. Consider the impact of generator unit vibration of structure, the maximal stress and displacement of structure were calculated to direct the choice of units and the design.5. According to the static and seismic response analysis of gravity dam and factory building, the safety and reliability of design were comprehensive evaluated.Now, the holistic seismic analysis about interaction of dam and factory building is rarely researched. This paper does a useful attempt and gets some conclusions and understandings which have reference value.

  • 【分类号】TV642.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】344

