

【作者】 李岩

【导师】 金成镐;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 辅车唇齿的中朝两国拥有着绵延千年的亲善关系,然而在两国友好往来的大背景之下,朝鲜对中华的认识却非始终如一,特别是进入西势东渐的近代,中朝两国皆经历着前所未有的震荡巨变时期,伴随着半岛内近代化进程的发展,朝鲜对华观先后经历了“亲华——脱华——肃华——联华”的思想嬗变进程。本文立足于风云变幻的近代东北亚国际舞台,试图将朝鲜近代对华观的嬗变这一历史过程付诸笔端。本文以时间顺序为段限、以列强在朝鲜半岛的争夺为历史背景、以朝鲜半岛政治思想界人士为研究对象,概括分析朝鲜对华观嬗变的个中因素。全文由绪论、本论、结语三个部分构成。第一章绪论部分主要介绍本课题的选题目的与意义、相关研究现状、研究方法及拟要突破的问题等。本论部分共由四章组成:第二章主要论述近代之前朝鲜对华观的演进轨迹,为近代对华观的嬗变铺垫历史背景。朝鲜王朝自建立之初即与明朝确立了传统的宗藩关系,对明“事大以诚”,然而伴随着明清朝的更迭,朝鲜对华观亦随之发生巨变,对清“华夷观”大行其道,“反清复明”的论调甚嚣尘上。但在清朝政权不断巩固及其对朝鲜政策不断调整的过程中,朝鲜“北学派”应运而生,他们主张抛弃华夷之辨,北学清朝。这样,朝鲜近代之前的对华观即呈现出了“事大—华夷—北学”的演进轨迹。第三章主要论述朝鲜开港以来的对华观。自1876年朝鲜国门的洞开,朝鲜半岛即成为了日本势力及西方列强关注的敏感地带,清朝为了保障东北边防更为捍卫其最后一个藩属国的国家利益,与日本势力在朝鲜半岛展开了激烈的竞争,不惜强权干涉朝鲜内政。然而,朝鲜国内伴随着近代化进程的深入,开化派“脱华开国”的呼声不断高涨,这样,新兴开化派与卫正斥邪派围绕着“脱华开国论”与传统华夷观展开了激烈的论争,朝鲜传统对华观遭受着急剧的思想冲击。第四章主要论述朝鲜对华独立平等意识的发展。甲午一战,清朝遭受重创,被迫撤出朝鲜,而彼时沙俄势力适时南下完成了半岛内列强势力的重组,日俄在朝进入短暂对峙期。朝鲜国内以独立协会为首的资产阶级势力积极利用这一稳定期,展开了轰轰烈烈的“肃华”运动,极力清除华之残余影响,强化朝鲜民族自主性;大韩帝国则借成立之机,积极寻求与华缔结对等外交关系,淡化中国对朝的历史影响,朝鲜对华观发展进入历史最低点。第五章主要论述朝鲜亡国之后的对华再认识。1904年,日俄战争爆发,日本最终实现了朝鲜的独占殖民地化,朝鲜国内的进步人士亦逐渐对帝国主义的侵略本质有了更为清醒的认识,开始广泛组织反日独立运动。而此时中国已经取得了辛亥革命的伟大胜利,推翻了几千年的封建统治,这无疑对邻邦朝鲜产生了一定的积极影响,朝鲜反目独立运动志士们开始对中国产生了新的认识,遂转战中国,此其中“联华反日”思想尤为突出,自此,中朝两国人民并肩作战,书写了中朝关系的新篇章。

【Abstract】 There were friendly connections for several thousand years inChina and Korea. But under the background of the exchanging friendlybetween two countries, the Korean understanding of China had not beenthe same all the time, especially capitalist countries invaded Koreain modern times, China and Korea were all going through unprecedentedenormous change period. With the development of process of melting ofmodern times in Korea Peninsula, the idea of Korea to China hadexperienced from" Close to China—Take off China—Get rid of China—Unite China".This document is based on modern Northeast Asian internationalrelations, attempting to display the course that the idea changes ofKorean to China in modern times. This thesis is narrated in the orderof time, regards contention in Korea Peninsula of capitalist countryas the historical background, regards personage of political ideologycircle of Korea Peninsula as the research object, summarize andanalyze the factors of the course that the idea changes of Korean toChina. This thesis includes three parts: introduction, main body andconclusion.The first part introduces the trend, purpose, significance, motiveand methods of this study.The main body has four chapters:Chapter one mainly describes the course that the idea changes ofKorean to China before the modern times. Korean Dynasty establishedthe traditional vassal state relation with the Ming Dynasty andadopted the friendly foreign policy to the Ming Dynasty. But Koreabegan to change the policy to despise China during Qing Dynasty.However, following Qing Dynasty regime was consolidated constantly andchanging of the policies to Korean, "the group of Bei xue" had appeared in Korea. They advocated to learn from China, the idea ofKorea to China has changed again.Chapter two mainly discusses course that the idea changes ofKorean to China in the modern times. Japan and western capitalistcountry began to enter Korea since 1876. So Qing Dynasty began tocompete with Japanese in order to protect Korea, and began tointerfere the internal affairs of Korea. However Korea advocated totake off China with development of modern consciousness. In this way,there were two kinds of different understandings to China in Korea.Chapter three mainly discusses development of independence andequal consciousness of Korea to China. Qing Dynasty was forced towithdraw from Korea after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, butRussia utilized this chance to enter Korea Peninsula. The independentassociation had launched extensive movement for getting rid of China.At the same time, the Kingdom of Korea seeked to establish equaldiplomatic relations with China actively. The understanding of Koreanto China had dropped to the historical minimum for these reasons.Chapter four mainly discusses re-recognization to China afterextinction of the kingdom of Korea. In 1904, the Japan-Russia warbroke out, Japan captured Korea finally. Some intellectuals began torealize the essence of imperialism, and organized independentmovements to resist Japan invaders. At this moment, China had alreadymade the great victory of the 1911 Revolution, and had overthrown thefeudal government for thousands of years. Some Korean intellectualsbegan to re-recognize China again, then Koreans launched the extensivestruggle of resisting against Japan in China. From then on, Koreancarried on Anti-Japanese War with Chinese.

【关键词】 对华观亲华脱华肃华联华
【Key words】 To China’s viewClose to ChinaTake off ChinaGet rid of ChinaUnite China
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 02期
  • 【分类号】K312.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】572

