

Establishment of a Mouse Model Infected with Eperythrozoon Suis

【作者】 刘冰

【导师】 张守发;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 预防兽医学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 猪附红细胞体病(Eperythrozoonosis suis)是由猪附红细胞体(Eperythrozoon suis)寄生于猪红细胞表面、游离于血浆及骨髓中而引起的以仔猪发热、贫血和黄疸,母猪流产等症状为特征的疾病。该病常与其它猪病混合发生,临床上防治困难,给养猪业造成了巨大经济损失。但迄今为止,国内外对该病病原学、流行病学、免疫学等方面的研究还不够深入,以至于不能够制定有效的预防措施,因此非常需要建立一个合适而稳定的猪附红细胞体动物感染模型,以期为进一步了解猪附红细胞体奠定基础。本研究以昆明小白鼠为实验动物,通过摘除脾脏和注射地塞米松等方法降低其免疫力,然后以腹腔注射方式接种猪附红细胞体。经血液涂片镜检、PCR、ELISA、临床观察及病理剖检进行检测和鉴定。结果表明,各接种组小白鼠在人工感染猪附红细胞体后的第1—2d,血液样本PCR检测均为阳性;摘除脾脏处理组、注射地塞米松处理组以及摘除脾脏/注射地塞米松处理组小白鼠红细胞感染率在人工感染后第4—5d相继达到高峰,未处理组小白鼠在感染后第7d红细胞感染率达到高峰;序列分析表明,感染小白鼠体内的猪附红细胞体与接种的猪附红细胞体吉林株之间同源性为100%,表明猪附红细胞体在小白鼠体内建立了感染;接种后各处理组小白鼠血清中猪附红细胞体抗体效价出现短暂升高,随后逐渐降低;而未处理组小白鼠接种后血清中猪附红细胞体抗体效价逐渐升高,至21d时达到最高值。在试验期间,未接种组(健康对照组)小白鼠一直未出现异常临床表现,而摘除脾脏和注射地塞米松处理组的小白鼠在接种后19—21d后,相继出现猪附红细胞体感染的典型临床症状,说明本研究成功地建立了猪附红细胞体小白鼠动物感染模型。

【Abstract】 The Eperythrozoonosis suis was produced by Epecythrozoon suis whichparasite on erythrocyte surface and free in blood plasma and marrow ofswine, which have symptom of piglets febrile, anemia, jaundice and originabortion. This disease always happened with other disease of swine. Itwas difficult to prevention and cure in clinic. So it took a great ofeconomic losses to raise pigs. So far, we can’t enact effectivepreventive measure because the study of etiology, epidemiology,immunology of E. suis even inadequate. In order to lain the foundation ofstudy E. suis thoroughly, a suitable and stabile animla model of E. suisshould be establish.To establish a KunMing mice model associated with E. suis followingsplenectomy or injected dexamethasone(DEX) to depress their immunity.E. suis was inoculated into KunMing mice by peritoneal injection. Theidentification was being by blood smears, PCR examination and sequencing,clinical symptom and pathological change. The results indicated that eachgroup mice could be infected with E. suisby PCR examination after infected1-2d, the infection rate ofsplenectomy and injected DEX miceachieve peakafter infected 4-5d; the infection rate of mice of normal mice achievepeak after infected 7d. The homology of mice of infected E. suis andE. suis-Jilin is 100%by sequencing. The antibody titer of E. suis ofsplenectomy and injected DEX mice appear temporal step up whereafterdegrade gradually, the antibody titer of E. suis of normal mice escalateand achieve highest by 21d. In the stage of experiment, normal mice didn’tappear evident clinical symptom constantly but low immunity mice showed clinical symptom as Eperythrozoonosis suis like clothing hair backward,ademosyne, mucous membrane pallid and xanthochromia. This studyestablished the mouse model infected with E. suis successfully.

【关键词】 猪附红细胞体昆明小白鼠动物模型PCRELISA
【Key words】 EperythrozoonsuisKunMing miceanimal modelPCRELISA
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】S858.28
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】186

