

Comparative Study on Characteristics of Water Physiological Ecology of the Main Turf-weed Populations

【作者】 张玮

【导师】 王艳荣;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 生态学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 在2005年4月~11月期间调查了草坪主要杂草——早开堇菜、止血马唐、铺地委陵菜、鹅绒委陵菜在不同管理水平草坪中的季节发生特征,在2006年7月~10月期间,采用小型蒸渗仪法,研究了持续干旱条件下草地早熟禾与草坪杂草抗旱性特点,分析了不同灌溉频率对各种草坪植物生长发育的影响。管理粗放是早开堇菜、止血马唐和铺地委陵菜大量发生的必要条件;鹅绒委陵菜是管理水平较好(尤其是水分条件比较优越)草坪的主要杂草种群。持续干旱下草地早熟禾与早开堇菜存活时间较长,对土壤水分利用的方式趋向于稳定利用型,土壤含水量呈现直线型下降趋势;鹅绒委陵菜和铺地委陵菜种群存活时间较短,对土壤水分利用的方式趋向于快速消耗型,土壤含水量呈现凹形曲线型下降;止血马唐种群为中间过渡型。三种耗水类型的植物日蒸腾失水量在存活前期日蒸腾量表现为:快速消耗型>中间过渡型>稳定利用型,存活后期各种群蒸腾量均降低并维持在极低水平。各种植物对不同土层水分的利用率均为:表层>中层>下层,其中铺地委陵菜、鹅绒委陵菜对3个土层的水分利用率都大于草地早熟禾与早开堇菜种群。在每4d灌溉1次的处理下,各植物种群均未受或很少受到干旱胁迫的影响;每8d灌溉1次的处理下,夏季4种植物都受到不同程度的干旱胁迫的影响,一般干旱胁迫出现在灌溉4~5d后。其中草地早熟禾种群出现胁迫症状的时间最早,持续时间最长,秋季各种群生长正常。每12d灌溉1次处理下,4个植物种群都受到比较严重的干旱胁迫影响,其中草地早熟禾种群受到影响最为显著,其盖度一直低于40%,早开堇菜种群受到干旱影响最小。据此认为在呼和浩特地区,夏季对草坪应采用每4d灌溉1次的频率,8月中旬~9月中旬可采用每8d灌溉1次的频率,9月中旬之后采用每12d灌溉1次的灌溉频率。

【Abstract】 There is an investigation of seasonal characteristics of ruderals inturf-grass—Violaprionantha、Digitaria ischaemum、Geranium sibiricumand Potentilla anserine, which in three different management levels lawnfrom April to November in 2005. From July to October in 2006, by usingthe diminutive evapo-pervasion, there is a study of fight a droughtcharacteristic of Viola prionantha and ruderals in durative droughtcondition. And we also make an analysis of effects for growth anddevelopment of turf-grass in different irrigation time.Extensive administer is a necessary condition of a mass ofViolaprionantha、Digitaria ischaemum and Geranium sibiricum’s happen;Potentilla anserine is primary ruderal population in good manage levellawn(especially in ascendant irrigation condition).Poa pratensis is longer survival time than Violaprionantha underpersistent drought, soil water use method trends stable type, soil moisturecontent shows linear downward trend; Potentilla anserine and Geraniumsibiricum population are shorter survival time, soil water use methodtrends frequent consumption, soil moisture content shows decline concave curve; Digitaria ischaemum population is intermediate type.Three types of plant day transpiration in early survival days represent:frequent consumption>intermediate type>stable type, all populationstranspiration decrease and remain very low level survival late. Forvarious plants, utilization efficiency of soil moisture in different layersare: surface layer>middle-level>under layer, Which Potentilla supina、Potentilla anserina are better than Poa pratensis L. and Viola prionanthapopulation in three layers.Under the management of every 4 days irrigation frequency, all plantpopulations under drought stress suffer no or a little hurt. Under themanagement of every 8 days irrigation frequency, drought stress whichusually appears after irrigation for 4 to 5 days have different effects onthe four plants in summer. Symptoms appears earliest in the Poapratensia L. population under drought stress and which last for longest.All populations grow normally in autumn. Under the management ofevery 12 days irrigation frequency, they have serious effect on all the fourplant populations. The drought stress has a significant effect on the lesseffect on the Viola prionantha Bunge population. The coverage of Poapratensia L. population is less than 40%during the process. So wesuggest: every 4 days irrigation frequency is suitable in summer, every 8days irrigation frequency from the mid ten days of August to the mid tendays of September, after the mid ten days of September, every 12 daysirrigation frequency is suitable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】S451
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】109

