

A Study on the Channel Relationship Model of Cellular Phone Industry Based on Trust and Commitment

【作者】 杨静

【导师】 吕筱萍;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 我国手机经过近20年的发展已经取得了举世瞩目的成绩,2005年我国手机产业在出口和内需的拉动下,继续呈快速增长态势。全年共生产手机30367万部,销售30386万部,同比增长分别达到30%和31.9%,出口2.28亿部,同比增长56%,我国世界手机制造基地的地位已经确立。手机制造业飞速发展的同时,手机分销渠道也在发生着变革:一方面原有的渠道商不断分化,手机专业连锁超市、大型家电连锁超市等新型渠道商逐渐取代旧有代理商成为主角;另一方面手机渠道商业运作模式不断推陈出新,层级代理制、层级分销制市场份额日益萎缩,直供模式、FD模式和订制模式成为主流。随着手机渠道向扁平化、规模化发展,利润开始从供应商流向零售商,渠道权力也逐步从供应商手中向零售商转移,供应商对零售商的控制也越来越力不从心,对终端市场的影响力日益下降。手机渠道模式的变化对理论研究提出了挑战,由于失去了对渠道利润和渠道权力的主导权,供应商无法再依靠以效益、效率为中心的渠道结构理论和以渠道权力、冲突、合作为中心的渠道行为理论来指导自身的营销活动,必须寻求新的理论指导。许多学者指出渠道成员之间可以通过建立长期稳定的关系以实现渠道绩效,因此,本研究试图在以关系和联盟为中心的渠道关系理论的基础上,引入交易费用理论和社会交换理论的部分研究成果,从信任和承诺入手研究手机产业渠道成员间的关系模型,找出影响手机渠道成员关系的关键因素,分析各个因素间的作用机制。研究结论应用于手机渠道领域的营销实践,以期能帮助国内手机供应商提高渠道稳定性、增强其对终端市场的控制力,使其营销策略更有针对性和持续性。本文首先对国内外渠道关系理论进行了回顾和评析,在前人研究成果的基础上提出本文的理论架构和研究方案,然后通过实证分析加以验证。本文所作的主要工作和创新有以下几个方面:1、结合渠道关系理论、交易费用理论和社会交互理论构造出适用于我国手机产业的信任与承诺模型,并以实证的方法加以验证。2、在实证的基础上,研究了零售终端的规模、性质等变量对渠道关系的影响。3、以结构方程为分析工具,对研究模型各变量的关系进行了验证,并测算了各变量间关系的强度。4、以信任和承诺模型为依据,对手机供应商加强渠道建设和控制提出了营销建议。

【Abstract】 Having been developed for 20 years, the cellular phone industry of our country has got the whole world’s attention. By the strong pull of export and domestic need, the industry continues to present a fast growth. 303,670,000 sets had been produced, and 303,860,000 sets had been sold in 2005,the increase rates were 30% and 31.9% respectively, there were also 228,000,000 sets having been exported ,got a 56% increase. The position of world cellular phone manufacturing base has been founded. While the cellular phone manufacturing is experiencing a fast growth, a great change has taken place in channel :on one hand, original channel companies divide continuously, new companies flow out such as the professional cellular phone supermarket and the large appliance chain supermarket ,which gradually become leading roles instead of original business agents ;on the other hand, business operation mode of the industry puts forth new ideas continuously, market quota of the layer class agency system and the layer class retail system wither increasingly, while the direct supplying mode and the FD mode, order to make mode become main stream.As the cellular phone channel becoming more and more flat, the profit flows to dealers from suppliers, the words power also transfers toward dealers from suppliers gradually, suppliers’ influence to the terminal market descends increasingly, they are also unable to do more to control the dealers. Therefore, suppliers can’t do marketing activities by the guide of channel structure theories based on performance, efficiency or channel behavior theories based on outlet power, conflict and cooperation. So ,based on channel relationship theories, transaction cost analysis and social exchange theories ,this research tries to found a mode to find out the variables and mechanism of the relationship between cellular phone channel members .The application of the conclusion to the cellular phone circulation can help domestic suppliers upgrade the channel’s stability and strengthen their control to the terminal market, their marketing strategy will also become more pertinent and durative.This research reviews channel relationship theories first, then puts forward this research’s structure and plan, at last, take it in to verify by the substantial evidence analysis. The main work and innovation of this research is as follows:1、Combining channel relationship theory and transaction cost analysis、social exchange theories, this research put forward a trust and commitment model that is applicable to cellular phone industry of our country, and then take in to verify by substantial evidence.2、On the foundation of the substantial evidence, this research studies the influence of the variables as scale、character of retail terminal to the channel relationship.3、This research uses structure equation model to carry on a verification to the relationship and its strength of the model.4、Based on the trust and commitment model, this research gave some suggestion for cellular phone suppliers to strengthen channel constructions.

【关键词】 信任承诺手机产业渠道关系
【Key words】 TrustCommitmentCellular Phone IndustryChannel Relationship
  • 【分类号】F426.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】342

