

Develop and Research Open Experiments of Automation Control Theory on Inverted Pendulum System

【作者】 王雪

【导师】 陈今润;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 检测技术及自动化装置, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 小车倒立摆是个复杂的控制系统。牵扯到控制算法与伺服控制相互配合的深层次问题。不经过一定开发,本科学生直接在上面完成实验,有相当的难度。为了将这样的实验装置引入到自动控制原理的开放性实验中,需构建一个合适的平台,该平台能使学生的注意力集中于控制算法的探讨上,还要具有良好的人机交互功能,同时还要提供切合学生知识基础和能力的实验内容。由于倒立摆系统本身对控制系统实时性的苛刻要求,通过WINDOWS操作系统调用硬件供应商提供的基于WINDOWS操作系统的驱动程序来实现这一任务实时性达不到要求,所以选择基于MATLAB RTW实时内核的方式来满足系统对实时性的要求。将Simulink生成的仿真模型下载到目标实时内核中运行,驱动外部硬件设备,实现对倒立摆的控制。本文应用MATLAB图形用户界面的开发环境GUIDE设计开发出界面友好、功能完善的图形用户界面,将离线仿真与实时控制有机结合起来。可以使学生绕开艰涩的硬件编程和繁琐的软件设计,集中精力于控制器结构的设计和参数整定,为学生进行开放性、设计性实验提供有力基础。另外,本文还简单讲述了在SIMULINK集成环境中实现实时动画仿真。本文针对高年级本科生设计了一系列直线单级倒立摆控制实验,包括对象数学模型的建立、经典控制理论和现代控制理论几个部分。实验将离线数学仿真和在线实时控制结合起来。另外,本文还对自动控制原理知识进行了扩展,开发了易于学生理解和掌握的有关鲁棒性概念的几个实验。最后,论文对本文进行了总结,阐述了在实验中解决的几个问题,并制定了今后利用现代网络技术实现远程实验室的工作计划。

【Abstract】 Pendulum Systems is a complex control system. Involving combination of control algorithm and servo control. It is hard for undergraduate student to accomplish experiments without further development. In order to bring this experiment system into opening experiment of auto control principle, a proper platform needs to be constructed, which can make student concentrate on control algorithm, provide good interface and suitable experiments according to student’s knowledge and ability.The dissertation, based on the study in the theory and application of hardware in loop technology, brings forward a tentative plan to realize the real-time control of the inverted pendulum using MATLAB. After carefully analysis and comparison, it decides to use MATLAB RTW real-time toolbox to build a real-time control workspace. This workspace administrates the external hardware to control the inverter pendulum by downloading the simulation model generated by simulink to the target real-time kernel. The dissertation carefully analyses the system construction of the two models of single PC and double PC in MATLAB RTW.The dissertation designs friendly GUI that integrates offline simulation and real-time control. The result of offline simulation can be used as direction to real-time control after analysis to material object. The GUI can also make the experimenters keep away from abstruse hardware design and fuzzy software program, and make them bone up on the design of control algorithm and parameter tone. It also tells realizing cartoon in SIMULINK.The dissertation designs a series of single inverted pendulum experiments for the undergraduate and graduate students, including object modeling, classic control theory and modern control theory. The dissertation describes the preparation, process, result of the robust according to analyzing inverted Pendulum.Lastly, the paper sums up and stats some problems have been solved. Taking realizing long-distance lab as the object.

【关键词】 倒立摆MATLAB自动控制开放性
【Key words】 Inverted PendulumMATLABAutomation ControlOpen
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TP13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】583

