

Study on Cultivation of the Engineering Students’ Practical Ability

【作者】 杨登秀

【导师】 唐一科;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 知识来源于实践,能力来自于实践,素质更需要在实践中养成,实践能力对于大学生成长至为关键。随着知识经济时代的到来,对大学生(特别是工科大学生)实践能力的要求越来越高,然而目前令人担忧的是当代大学生实践能力普遍偏低,难以跟上越来越错综复杂、变幻多端的社会发展速度。面对新世纪席卷全球的科技、经济和综合国力的竞争,中国必须拥有数量众多的具有创新能力和实践能力的人才,才能在这场竞争中立于不败之地。高等工程教育责无旁贷的使命和责任就是培养并造就一大批具有竞争性、高素质、高质量的工程技术人才,工科大学生实践能力的培养和提高是我国跨世纪经济发展的迫切需要,也是我国高等工程教育不断改革发展的内在要求。本论文试图从理论研究和实证调查研究两方面对工科大学生实践能力的培养进行研究。理论上,论文从分析工科大学生的特殊性出发,系统地研究了实践能力的内涵及其构成要素,并探索工科大学生实践能力培养的规律。实证上,调查研究了当前我国工科大学生实践能力的现状以及工科大学生实践能力培养过程中存在的问题,借鉴国外部分高校工科大学生实践能力培养的改革经验,吸取国内工科院校改革教训。最后,在以上研究基础上,提出培养并提高我国工科大学生实践能力的建议、措施,以希望论文的研究成果对今后培养大量具有较高实践能力的工科大学生有一定指导意义。

【Abstract】 Knowledge comes from practice, capacity comes from practice, and qualities even need to be foisted in practice, too. Practical ability is very important for university students to grow up. Along with the arrival of knowledge-based economy ages, university students especially engineering students are being required to have more and more practical ability. However, the current alarming is that contemporary university students’practical ability is on the low side generally. In the face of competition of science and technology、economy and comprehensive national strength sweeps all over the world in new century, China must own large numbers of qualified person who are highly skilled in innovating and practicing. There is no shirking the responsibility that Higher Education of Engineering’s duty is bringing up a great many qualified engineers who possess high rivalrousness and high diathesis. So cultivating and strengthening the engineering students’practical ability is not only the urgent need for China’s economic development in new century, but also an inner urge for ceaseless innovation of Chinese Higher Engineering Education.This thesis will try to discuss mainly from two aspects: theoretic research and empirical work.Theoretically, this thesis will study the practical ability’s meaning、inscape and bringing up orderliness of engineering students’practical ability systematically on the basis of particularity of engineering students. Demonstrably, this thesis will study the status in quo of engineering students’practical ability at present and existent problems in the process of bringing up engineering students’practical ability. The research will draw on some overseas universities’engineering students’practical ability cultivation of reform experiences and learn from some Chinese universities’reformation. At last, suggestions and measures will be proposed on engineering students’practical ability cultivation and strengthen. I expect that the result of this thesis can offer beneficial reference for universities to strengthen engineering students’practical ability cultivation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G642.4
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】1629

