

The Feasibility Analysis & Policies Choice of Promoting Light Steel Building in Chongqing

【作者】 张镇森

【导师】 任宏;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 国外的研究和实践表明,轻钢结构体系是一种性能优良的住宅结构体系,它具有自重轻、保温隔热性能良好、施工速度快、空间利用率高、环境污染小、回收率高等优点,适宜在多层住宅中采用。目前,沿海地区一些经济比较发达的城市的高档住宅中,也在采用这种结构形式。在重庆市城市化进程加快的背景下,要求住宅产业能够快速地提供大量合格的住宅产品;然而,现有的住宅建设方式,却不能够满足城市化进程加快带来的迫切的住房需求。同时,经济发展与资源紧缺、环境恶化的矛盾日渐突出,这已成为了重庆市经济发展进程中不可忽视的问题,建设资源节约型社会已经被提上议事日程,并放在政府工作的首位。传统的建筑工业采用人工作业方式,污染大、资源浪费严重,与资源、环境极不协调。轻钢结构体系是一种易于实现工业化生产的体系,它采用在工厂预制构件的方法,使得施工条件不受现场因素的影响,降低了缺陷率,提高了劳动生产率。同时,这种体系能够集成大量的环保、节能新型材料和设备,符合可持续发展的战略。因此,发展轻钢结构住宅契合城市化和建设节约型社会的大背景,必将成为住宅产业化的一个重要方向。在重庆住宅市场中,尚没有出现轻钢结构住宅供给,无实际的经验可供借鉴。因此,需要详细论证其技术可行性和市场可行性。重庆市是中国最年轻的直辖市,也是西部唯一的直辖市。在重庆推广轻钢结构住宅,具有一系列的有利条件,如重庆市的经济持续快速健康发展、重庆市城市化进程加速、重庆市政府机构具备一定的决策和执行权、重庆市的房地产业健康发展、重庆市工业基础扎实等。轻钢结构住宅虽然在保温隔热、节能降耗等性能上与传统的钢混结构住宅相比具有一定的优势,但是,轻钢结构在防火、隔声、防腐蚀等方面并不具备优势,需要借助于辅助材料的应用。由于自然环境的原因,重庆夏热冬冷、空气湿度大、大气中酸性气体的浓度高,这些特点都给重庆发展轻钢结构住宅的技术可行性提出了挑战。同时,来自市场的挑战也考验着轻钢结构住宅。重庆地质状况相对沿海地区要好,人工费成本也相对低廉,轻钢结构住宅基础造价低、人工消耗少的特点难以形成优点;同时,由于轻钢结构住宅在防火、防腐蚀、隔声等技术性能方面不具备优势,必须借助于辅助材料,这就提高了住宅的单方建造成本,提高了购买轻钢住宅的门槛;第三,虽然轻钢结构住宅在使用和维护成本上具备一定的优势,但初始投资要高于传统的钢混结构住宅,消费者往往是有限理性的,他们根据房价的高低作为购房首要考虑的因素。开发商则由于轻钢住宅的销售存在抗性,而缺少开发的积极性。解决技术难题,要依靠技术的手段。据作者长达一年的调查,发展轻钢结构住宅的技术手段已经成熟。解决市场的难题,则要运用综合的手段。在政府的引导和干预下,使得政府、开发商、消费者之间形成一个良性的循环,以促进这种新型的结构体系在重庆开花结果,造福重庆市民。

【Abstract】 Foreign research and practice show that the light steel housing system is an excellent system, with light density, fine heat insulation function, high space utilization ratio, tiny environmental pollution, and high recovery coefficient. At present, this structure is being used in villa, in some of the developed city of coastal provinces. In the background of urbanization accelerating and building economical society in Chongqing, the housing industry is being required to provide adequate houses, which are eligible. However, the exiting housing construction mode is far from the exigent housing demand bringing by urbanization and economy development. At the same time, the conflict between economy development and environment pollution become more and more serious. It has become a stumbling block in the path of economy development in Chongqing. Building economical society has been brought up to the primacy in the government command paper.The light steel housing system can easily be built in a industrial mode. The parts can be prefabricated in the factory, avoiding the inflection of bad weather, landform and so on. So the inferior rate can be reduced and the productivity can be improved. Meanwhile, new construction material and equipments, which is much environmental friendly, can easily be integrated in the system. Therefore, developing the light steel housing system meet the demand of urbanization and building economical society. It can certainly become an important embranchment in housing industrialization. Since there is no light steel housing system in Chongqing real estate market, and no experience can be use for reference, we should study the technical feasibility and market feasibility. Chongqing is the youngest municipality in China, also the only municipality in the western part of China. Promoting the light steel housing system in Chongqing is provided with a series of advantages. For example, the sustaining developing economy, the accelerating urbanization, the wise government, the healthily developing real estate market, and so on.Although compare with the conventional concrete structure system, the light steel housing system have many advantages in heat insulation and saving energy, but it doesn’t advantaged in fireproofing, sound insulation, antisepsis and so on. It should recur to the assistant material, which can increase the building cost. The weather in Chongqing is very diagusting, with hot summer, cold winter, and heavy humidity, heavy acidic gas. These all bring forward challenge to the light steel housing system.At the same time, the challenge also comes from the marketing aspect. The geology situation in Chongqing is better than what in the coastal areas. Manpower cost is also relatively cheap. So the advantages of the light steel housing system are difficult to show up. Second, the light steel housing system has no advantage in fireproofing, sound insulation, and antisepsis and so on. It should recur to the assistant material, which can increase the building cost. Third, though the light steel housing system has advantages in using phase, but the original investment is often higher than the conventional concrete structure system. The consumers refuse to buy this kind of house, and the developers are also cautious to this kind of house.Technological artifice is being using to resolve the technology problem. After the one-year’s investigation, the author sees that the technique is already mature. While the marketing problem needs integrated effort. We should form a well-off circle between the government, the developer, and the consumer, under the guidance and interfere of the government. We hope the light steel housing system can abloom and bear fruit in Chongqing, and bring benefits to the Chongqing People.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】F426.92
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】391

