

Strategies on Pragmatic Translation: From the Perspective of Relevance Theory

【作者】 孙巍伟

【导师】 姜治文;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 语用学家Sperber和Wilson创立了关联理论,不仅在语用学界反响很大,对翻译研究也同样具有积极意义。他的学生Gutt运用关联理论对翻译进行了专门研究,进一步发展了关联理论,阐述了它对翻译研究的意义。但是Gutt的关联翻译理论并没有进一步指引译者应该采取什么样的策略才能达到较好的翻译效果。因此,本文旨在通过关联理论最基本观点的阐述及对翻译实例的分析来阐述翻译到底是一种什么样的活动,以及翻译所应实现的目标是什么,以及在这种关联理论的指引下译者应该采用何种的翻译策略来达到这个目标。关联理论认为,翻译是一种三元关系的双重交际活动:原作者,译者和译作读者。这双重交际活动是在具有不同文化的两种语言背景下进行的。因此,原作读者和译作读者的认知环境就会有差异。那么译者的任务就该是充分考虑到译作读者的认知,采取相应的翻译策略令译作达到语用等效。此篇论文主要研究译者该采取什么样的翻译策略才能取得语用等效,主要从以下三个方面着手研究:第一:当形式上和意义上完全一一对应时,译者很容易选择翻译策略以求语用等效。我们不妨把这种情况归类为归化策略的特殊情况。第二:形式上不对应,但意义上有对应的词语。此种情况下应采取归化策略。第三:形式上和意义上都不对应,此时译者面临两种选择:一是解释或者改写,二就是选取异化策略。因此,归化和异化并非互相排斥和对立,而是相得益彰的两种翻译策略。然而笔者认为在关联理论框架下,应以归化策略为主,异化策略作有益的补充。

【Abstract】 Two pragmatists, Sperber and Wilson, proposed relevance theory, which not only aroused great interest in the pragmatics circle but also shed great light on translation studies. Later, Gutt, their student, applied relevance theory to translation studies, and further illustrated its significance for translation. However, Gutt provides little guide for translators on the selection of translation strategies to achieve better communicative effect. Therefore, by applying basic items of relevance theory and analyzing some examples in translation, this paper proposes to explain what translation is, what end translation should achieve and what strategies translators should employ under the guidance of relevance theory in order to achieve this end.Relevance theory holds that translation is a two-level communication act involving three kinds of participants: the original writer, the translator and the TL readers. These two levels of communication are conducted in two languages with different cultures. In this way, the cognitive environments of SL readers and TL readers would differ and therefore, the task left for the translator is to take into full account the cognition of the TL readers and to employ appropriate strategies in an effort to achieve the pragmatic equivalent effect.This paper is mainly devoted to the analysis of what strategies translators should employ in order to achieve pragmatic equivalent effect. It proposes to analyze the selection of strategies under three circumstancesFirst, in the circumstance when one-to-one equivalents corresponding in both meaning and form can be found in SL and TL, it is quite easy for translators to select translation strategies to achieve equivalent effect. We can label such as the limiting case of domestication.Second, in the circumstance when the equivalents corresponding solely in meaning can be found in the TL, domestication is preferred.Third, in the circumstance no equivalents can be found, the translator is faced with two choices, one is to paraphrase or to employ adaptation; the other is to employ the strategy of foreignization, and footnotes are needed if necessary.Therefore, domestication and foreignization are not opposing or mutual exclusive, but they can bring out the best in each other. However, in the framework of relevance theory, the author holds that the strategy of domestication plays a dominant role in translation, while the strategy of foreignization provides a useful complement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】H059
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】361

