

Study on the Promotion of Government Response Capability in Transitional Period

【作者】 殷晓飞

【导师】 刘洪彪;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 行政管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,当代中国一直在经历着由传统型社会向现代型社会的急剧转型。面对转型社会中公众多样化的需求和提出的大量问题,政府必须给予及时有效的回应。但是,当前我国政府回应社会公众的能力十分有限。如何提高政府的回应能力、建设一个有较高回应能力的政府已成为转型期我国政府建设中一个亟待解决的问题。本文首先对政府回应进行了系统地理论分析。作为公共管理实践过程的重要内容和系统的政府管理理论的逻辑延伸,政府回应是随着西方政府管理理论的变迁和政府职能的不断变革与创新而逐步得到重视与发展的。从二战后至今,政府回应模式经历了由以官僚制为知识背景的行政管制型回应,到以新公共管理理论为知识背景的市场服务型回应,再到以治理理论为知识背景的民主治理型回应的嬗变。每种政府回应模式都与其作为知识基础和理念指导的政府管理理论相适应,表现出相应的特征。本文对转型期我国政府在回应能力建设方面进行的实践探索进行了总结,并指出,一些新制度的推出和政府了解公众意愿渠道的拓宽使我国政府的回应能力在一定程度上有所提高。但从整体上看,迟缓、失衡、低效的回应仍然大量存在,低水平的回应破坏了党和政府的良好形象,加剧了社会矛盾冲突,严重影响了社会的和谐稳定和可持续发展。所以,现阶段,我国政府的回应能力亟待提升。本文分析指出,以民为本的行政理念的缺失、民意表达渠道不畅通、政府层级体系不科学、政府决策制度不完善、公务员素质普遍偏低、公众的权利意识不强是现阶段提升我国政府回应能力的主要制约因素。借鉴发达国家在其政府回应能力建设中取得的有益经验,本文对转型期我国政府回应能力提升这一问题提出了对策:第一,树立以民为本的行政理念,这是政府回应能力提升的前提条件;第二,加强民意表达渠道建设,这是政府回应能力提升的重要基点;第三,变革政府组织架构,为政府回应能力提升提供组织保证;第四,完善政府决策制度,为政府回应能力提升提供制度保障;第五,提高公务员素质,为政府回应能力提升提供人员支撑;第六,增强公众权利意识,为政府回应能力提升提供外力配合。

【Abstract】 Since reform and opening-up, China has been experiencing a rapid social transformation from a traditional society to a modern type. Facing the diversified demands and a great deal of questions raised by public in transitional period, the government must give timely and effective response. However, the government response capability at present is very limited. How to promote government response capability and build a government which responds public’s demands effectively has become a serious problem in the process of government’s construction during China’s transition.Firstly, paper analyzes the government response theory systemically. As an important part of public management practice and a logical extension of government management theory, government response gradually attracts people’s attention with the constant changes of western government management theory and the innovation of government’s functions. From the end of World War II to now, there are three types of government response model, namely, administrative regulation type which bases on bureaucracy theory, marketable service type which bases on new public management theory, and democratic governance type which bases on governance theory. According to different government management theory, each model shows different characteristics correspondingly.Paper summarizes the practical exploration on government response capability in transitional period, and indicates that some new institutions’execution and channels to catch public’s demands broadened promoted government response capability to a certain extent. But as a whole, slow, unbalanced, inefficient responses still exist widely. Poor responses not only undermine the party and government’s good image, but also exacerbate social conflicts. The harmony and the stability of the society are seriously affected. The society couldn’t develop continually. Therefore, at this stage, the government response capability needs to be promoted imminently. Paper points out that the lack of people-oriented administrative concept, the block of public expression channels, unscientific governmental hierarchy, flawed institutions of government decision-making, low quality of public servants, public’s week awareness to vindicate their rights consist of main constraints on promoting government response capability in China. Using for reference developed countries’useful experiences in the construction of government response capability, paper puts forward countermeasures for how to promote government response capability in transitional period: firstly, establish a people-oriented administrative concept, which is the precondition to promote government response capability; secondly, strengthen the construction of public expression channels, which is the key point to enhance the government response capability; thirdly, reform the governmental hierarchy to provide an organizational guarantee for the promotion of government response capability; fourthly, perfect the institutions of government decision-making to provide institutional safeguard for the promotion of government response capability; fifthly, improve the quality of public servants to provide personnel support for the promotion of government response capability; sixthly, strengthen the public’s awareness to vindicate their rights to provide external support for the promotion of government response capability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】D623
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】460

