

【作者】 崔一新

【导师】 金福海;

【作者基本信息】 烟台大学 , 民商法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,我国金融市场诸多场外金融衍生交易担保的实践已经先行,然而当前,现有的场外金融衍生交易担保制度带有强烈的英美法特点,我国金融实践中相关担保制度的缺失为场外金融衍生交易的稳健发展埋下了隐患。缘此,对场外金融衍生交易担保制度的法律问题进行分析就具有了急迫而深远的意义。本文侧重从比较法的角度论述,探讨如何促进场外金融衍生交易担保与我国现有法律体系间的融合,为场外金融衍生交易担保制度价值最大程度的发挥创造更加完善的法律环境。全文共分四章,第一章是场外金融衍生交易概述,旨在界定基础概念。在第一节中,首先界定作为金融衍生交易手段和内容的金融衍生工具的定义,接下来是对其法律特征的概括和基本类型的简要介绍;第二节介绍场外金融衍生交易的历史、发展以及现状,重点介绍其法律特征。第二章是场外金融衍生交易担保法律制度概论,意在明确文中场外金融衍生交易担保的内涵采狭义表述,内容相当于ISDA协议中作为附件的担保权益型信用支持。本章的重点在于概括场外金融衍生交易担保的基本内容、法律特征,从而明确其与传统的担保法律制度,尤其是权利质权制度相比存在的特殊性。第三章是场外金融衍生交易担保基本法律问题探讨,是本文的重点之一,通过对场外金融衍生交易担保权益的创设、效力以及实现等方面存在的特殊之处进行比较法的分析,探讨我国法视域下建立场外金融衍生交易担保制度存在的法律问题。第四章是完善我国场外金融衍生交易担保相关立法的设想及建议,也是本文的另外一个重点。在对我国金融衍生交易的立法现状以及我国现行担保法对于场外金融衍生交易担保制度存在的制约进行分析的基础上,参照国外成功经验,阐述我国场外金融衍生交易制度立法模式及特殊规定的法律构想。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the secured OTC financial derivative trades develop on large scale in our financial market. The current one emphasizes intense characteristic of Anglo-American Law, however, the absence of related system in our financial market, which is for the steady development of OTC financial derivative trade, lays down hidden danger. That is why the analysis of related legal problem of OTC financial derivative trade has so urgent and far-reaching significance. This thesis is trying to discuss how to promote the amalgamation between the secured OTC financial derivative trade and Chinese present legal system from a comparative law perspective, and suggests creating a better legal environment to make a full use of its value.This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter One, is the summary of OTC financial derivative trade. The objective of this chapter is to definite the fundamental conceptions. In Section One, the financial derivative instrument is defined as the means and contents of financial derivative trade. The following is the chief instruction on its legal characteristics and basic categories. Section Two mainly concerns history, growth and present situation of OTC financial derivative trade, especially its legal characteristics.Chapter Two, analysis on the legal system of the secured OTC financial derivative trade, which is to make it clear that in this thesis’s, the secured one will be in its narrow sense, and its content is defined to ISDA Credit Support Annex subject to Security Interest Approach. This Chapter lays heavy stress on the chief instruction of the secured OTC financial derivative trade on the fundamental content and legal characteristics, thereby understanding the particularity between that and traditional legal system of security, especially the right of pledge.Chapter Three, as one of this thesis’s emphasis, is trying to discuss the fundamental legal problems of the secured OTC financial derivative trade. The objective of this chapter is to find such legal obstacles that establish related system in Chinese law perspective, by means of analyzing the particularities on creation, effect and realization of the secured OTC financial derivative trade.Chapter Four, which is the other emphasis of this thesis, is the assumption and suggestion that develop related legislation on Chinese secured OTC financial derivative trade. On the basis of analysis above of the Chinese existing legal provisions and drawing on the foreign successful experiences, this thesis makes suggestions on the legislative model about Chinese secured OTC financial derivative trade and the special law to be enacted on it .

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 烟台大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 05期
  • 【分类号】D923;D922.28
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】196

