

Humanities Concer of the Digit Network Technology

【作者】 伍小玲

【导师】 欧阳光明;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 科技哲学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 从历史发展的角度来看,人类每一次重大进步总是伴随着技术的重大突破。如今,计算机和网络再次彰显了技术的神奇力量。然而,纵观历史,没有哪一种技术能像计算机技术和网络技术一样,引起人类如此多的烦恼和思考。计算机和网络技术的联姻,创造了数字网络技术。它在彰显巨大力量的同时,也导致现实社会的人文精神的缺失,为了消除数字网络带来的诸多负面影响,采取一些措施势在必行,这是时代的需要,也是构建社会主义和谐的需要。本篇论文在介绍数字网络技术和人文精神含义的基础上,以数字网络技术异化即人文精神的缺失作为切入点,阐述了数字网络技术异化的表现及其产生的根源,进而提出了人性回归的构想。本文共分五部分。第一部分简单精练地对时代背景和论文选题的理论和现实意义进行论述,也就是提出问题,对前人研究成果的综述也是为了更好地论述问题和借鉴之用,并突出本文的创新之处。第二、三部分是理论准备部分。因为论文涉及的学科范围比较广,有些概念学界仍不十分清晰,为了论述方便,所以有必要对一些概念进行界定。第四部分为“数字网络技术的异化”是重点部分。本章主要论述数字网络技术异化的表现及其根源,在论述过程中试图得出一些结论。第五部分为“如何克服数字网络的异化:达到人性的回归”是创新部分。目前,对这部分的专门研究非常少,笔者所论述的应从两个方面来克服数字网络技术的异化非常独特,从而提出人文精神回归的设想。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of historical development, every major human progressis always accompanied by an important breakthrough in technology. Today,computer and network exhibited mysterious strength once. However, historicallyspeaking, no one technology causes so many troubles and thinking like computertechnology and network technology. The integration of the computer technology andnetwork technology creates digit network technology, they exhibited tremendousstrength, but lead to realistic social humanities spirit flaw. In order to eliminate manynegative effects which the digit network technology brought, adopting somemeasures is imperative, it is the needs of the times and socialist harmonious society.This paper elaborates certain characteristics of the digit network technology whichbased on introduction of the meanings and characteristic of the network and takes"domestication of digit network technology: flaw of humanities spirit "as a startingpoint, then elaborates domestication of digit network technology and roots, thenraises the conception of return of humanities spirit.The thesis is divided into five parts, The first part puts forward the topic,elaborating the era background and its theoretical and realistic, meaning, Thesynthesis of previous researches is for the purpose of better elaboration andreference, and stand out the innovations of this thesis. The second and thi’rd part laysthe theoretical fundament. Since the thesis covers extensive disciplines, someconcepts of which are not quite clear, it is necessary to define the concepts. Thefourth part is "The domestication of digit network technology", whose part is the keypart. This part mainly elaborates the domestication of digit network technology androots. During the elaborations, I try to draw the conclusion. The fifth part is "How toovercome the domestication of digit network technology", in order to achieve returnof the human nature." This part is the innovative part. At present, it is extremely fewand unique to research this part for purpose of return of the human nature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】188

