

The Solidification Process of Sugar Alcohols and the Development of New Products

【作者】 李锋

【导师】 李建科; 谢明勇;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 农产品加工与贮藏工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 糖醇(sugar alcohol)是醛糖或酮糖的羰基(—CHO、>C=O)经氢化还原成羟基(-OH)的多元醇(polyols);按其结构可分为单糖醇(如四元赤藓糖醇、五元木糖醇、六元山梨糖醇和甘露糖醇),双糖醇(如麦芽糖醇、乳糖醇、异麦芽酮糖醇)。本课题的主要目的是研究一种新的结晶固化工艺,使得生产的结晶糖醇产品能达到、甚至超过国外同类产品的性能。本文主要研究了多种单晶糖醇和混晶糖醇的固化工艺,并对固化后的产品进行了理化性质分析。主要内容如下:1、采用活性炭为脱色剂,以脱色温度,脱色剂用量,脱色时间和山梨醇液的浓度为试验因素,以脱色率、回收率、脱色总效率为考察指标,采用二次正交旋转组合实验设计对脱色实验进行了优化。确定了山梨醇溶液脱色的最佳工艺:脱色剂用量2%,脱色温度50℃,脱色时间29min,山梨醇液浓度43%。2、以固体粉末比表面积为指标,采用挤出的方法研究了液态木糖醇、山梨糖醇、麦芽糖醇结晶固化工艺。试验结果表明:挤出温度、挤出速度和进料量都是影响固化质量的重要指标;制得山梨糖醇样品最大比表面积为0.79 m~2/g;通过与罗盖特山梨醇产品理化性质比较,样品性能已达到罗盖特产品质量标准;木糖醇、麦芽糖醇由于前处理效果不好,未能得到最终产品。3、用挤出的方法制得不同比例的山梨醇/木糖醇、山梨醇/麦芽糖醇、山梨醇/甘露糖醇结晶固体粉末,并对所得固体粉末理化性质进行了研究。结果表明:山梨醇/木糖醇在一定比例范围内能达到固化要求,所得产品在木糖醇含量≤35%时,得到的固体产品性能良好;挤出固化工艺不适于生产山梨醇/麦芽糖醇的混晶产品;山梨醇/甘露糖醇以任何比例混合得到的固体产品性能均良好,宜推广工业化生产。4、研究了不经造粒而直接压片时,润滑剂和山梨醇粒度的选择,并对山梨醇和三种混晶糖醇为填充剂的Vc片剂的压片性进行了研究,实验结果表明:山梨醇颗粒粒度在80~100目时适合于压片;以滑石粉为润滑剂,用量为1.5%;以山梨醇为填充剂在Vc含量为25%时,压片硬度最大;在压片时填充剂山梨醇的比表面积越大,压片的硬度越大;木糖醇/山梨醇、麦芽糖醇/山梨醇混晶糖醇为填充剂时压片效果不好,不适于压片;甘露糖醇/山梨糖醇混晶糖醇为填充剂时,随着甘露糖醇的比例增加,压片硬度增加。5、采用三因素三水平正交实验,对山梨醇口香糖工艺进行了研究,并对结果进行了方差分析。实验结果表明:在胶基含量40%,山梨醇含量20%,六氢β酸含量100μg/mL时,所制得的口香糖适口性最好,并具有良好的抗菌作用;在用不同比表面积山梨醇做填充剂时,随着山梨醇比表面积增加,口香糖口感也变得更好。

【Abstract】 Sugar alcohols are polyols which carbonyl of the aldose and the ketose become hydroxyl group after hydrogenation deoxidation. Based on the molecular structures, sugar alcohols can be classified into Mono sugar alcohol (such as erythritol, xylitol, sorbitol and mannitol) and Disaccharide alcohol (such as maltitol,lactitol and isomaltitol).The main purpose of this research is to find a novel solidification process forsugar alcohols. The goal is to have the quality of crystal sugar alcohol produced by this process reach, or even exceed that of branded product in the world.The solidification process and associated evaluation index of several sugar alcohols and cocrystallized sugar alcohols were studied.The main contents of the research are as following:1. The optimal decolorization process which include temperature, amount of thedecoloring agent, decolorization time and concentration of sorbitol. Optimalexperimental condition was investigated by orthogonal experiment as guided by theefficiency of decolorization, recovery and the total efficiency. The optimaldecoloriztion condition was obtained at the following condition: amount of thedecoloring agent 2%, decolorization temperature 50℃, decolorization time 29 min,concentration of sorbitol 43%.2. The solidification process of liquid xylitol, sorbitol, maltitol by extruding methodwith surface area of solidification powder as index. The results showed that theextruding temperature, speed, feed had remarkable effect on product quality. Thebiggest area of sorbitol in optimal conditions is 0.79m~2/g, the quality of sorbitolalready reach the same kinds of foreign product by comparing the two product’sproperties. There is not got the final product of xylitol and maltitol, because badeffect of the pretreatment.3. The indexes of varies proportion solidification powder of sorbitol/xylitol,sorbitol/malitol, sorbitol/mannitol made by extruding process. The result showed the sorbitol/xylitol powder when the content of xylitol is less than 35 percent is goodquality. And this process is also not fit to process the sorbitol/maltitol powder. Thesorbitol/mannitol can be mixed in any proportion and reach excellent quality. It oughtto extend to industrialization product.4. The selection of lubricant and the size of sorbitol as well as combination of sugaralcohol in the direct compression of tablet without granulation. The indexes of thetablet of vitamin C with sorbitol, sorbitol mixed other three sugar alcohol as Filleralso was studied. The result showed thai: sorbitol is fit for pressing when the size isduring 150μm~180μm, amount of the talcum powder as lubricant is 1.5%, the rigidityof the troche is hardest when the content of vitamin C is 25 percent, thexylitol/sorbitol, maltitol/sorbitol is not suitable to compress for troche. The proportionof mannitol is more, the rigidity is more harder when added mannitol/sorbitol as filler.5. The process of chewing gum on orthogonal experiment. The result showed that theproduct with the following composition: 40%chewing gum base, 20%sorbitol and100μg/mL hexahydrocolupulone had a good taste, mouth-feel and antibacterialactivity. The surface area.of sorbitol is increase, the taste is more better when addedsorbitol with different surface area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2007年 06期
  • 【分类号】TQ24
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】379

