

Economic Operation Study of Transformers Bases on the Control of the Windings’ Temperature Rise

【作者】 袁建华

【导师】 咸日常;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 变压器是电力系统中重要的一次设备,在供电部门和用电单位、用户之间起着桥梁的作用。变压器在能量传输过程中会消耗掉一部分电能,变成自身损耗并转化成热能、声能以及光能,引起变压器温度升高。变压器的损耗大小和自身技术参数、负载大小以及运行环境等密切相关。随着全球经济的飞速发展,对能源的渴求越来越迫切,能源问题越来越为人们所关注,实现变压器经济运行是供电部门及重要用户节能降损、解决能源问题的有效手段之一。本文简要介绍了变压器运行中损耗的计算,讨论了其与变压器结构工艺、技术参数、负载大小以及运行环境之间的关系,讨论了如何实现变压器经济运行的一些基本问题。分析了变压器内部热源的产生、分布及其向外界进行热传递的过程,讨论了变压器内部有关介质热特性参数、介质组合及辅助冷却装置对变压器热传递过程以及绕组温升产生的影响,由此在不同情况下对变压器的负载损耗进行了相应修正。本文的一个重点是在变压器绕组温升变化的基础上,分析并计算得出变压器绕组负载损耗的变化,同时把投入运行的冷却器功率纳入变压器经济运行考量的范畴,得到了基于绕组温升控制的变压器经济运行计算方法。本文的另一个重点是依据基于绕组温升控制的变压器经济运行计算方法,结合可编程控制器智能控制技术,设计了开发了一套基于绕组温升控制与投入冷却器功率比较的强油循环风冷系统,用以实现淄博供电公司博山变电站220kV变压器基于绕组温升控制的经济运行。最后通过基于绕组温升智能控制的强油循环风冷系统的实际应用,对实际节能效果进行了分析、计算、比较,节能降损效果明显,并总结了系统不足及可完善提高的地方,展望了基于绕组温升智能控制的强油循环风冷系统的应用趋势。

【Abstract】 Transformer is one of the most comprehensive application equipments in power system, itconnects power supply bureaus and enterprises and consumers. Transformer has some reactiveloss and active loss in process of power’s transferring, and the loss transforms to the energy ofheat and sound and light, then the temperature of the transformer rises. The loss of thetransformer relates to the characters of the transformer, the load and some parameters of theenvironment. With the growth of industry, more and more energy sources are needed, andpeople is paying much attention to save them. The economic operation of power transformer isan important and feasible method to save energy for power supply bureaus and enterprises.This paper introduces the value of the loss of the transformer in the process of power’stransferring, concludes that the value of the loss is changing with the different technicalcharacteristics among the transformers and environment, discusses the various economicoperation modes of transformers in brief. We analyze the producing and the distribution of theheat in the transformer, discuss the influence of the thermal character and place of the materialsand the radiator in the transformer to the temperature rise of winding, then modify the value ofthe loss of the transformer.One of the emphases of this paper is to analyze and calculate the change of the loss in thewindings based on the temperature rise, the power of the radiator in the transformer should beconsidered and studied in the economic operation of the power transformer, then we find amethod to calculate the value of the loss based on the temperature rise of the transformer.Another is to design a set of the cooling control system of the power transformer with theoil-direct and air-force (ODAF) cooling style based on the temperature rise and the power ofthe radiator, moreover, the system has intelligent Control method owe to PLC, and the coolingcontrol system is applied to the power transformer of Bo Shan transformer substation. Duringthe cooling control system’s working, we have calculated the value of the loss based on thetemperature rise and the power of the radiator in the locale of Bo Shan transformer substation,the result shows that the cooling control system helps the power transformer reduce its loss inpower’s transferring. But we point out some shortages of the system, and offer many methodsto get rid of them, the system has a comprehensive foreground of application in all probability.

  • 【分类号】TM406
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】109

