

An Elementary Research on the Effection of the Exquisite Brush Flower-bird Painting by the Esthetics of Daoism in the Song Dynasty

【作者】 葛旭东

【导师】 莫高翔;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 美术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 两宋工笔花鸟画作为中国本土产生并成熟的一个画科,在其形成发展的过程中,不论其风格样式,形式构成,技法语言和题材选择都会受到宋代的社会经济、政治文化直接或间接的影响。北宋统一中国以后,实行“右文抑武”的治国策略,儒、道、释思想都在这一时期有所发展并逐渐相融相通,虽然儒家经国济世之学在统治阶级的大力提倡之下成为社会思想的主流,但道家清静无为,淡泊恬远的修身思想已经深深的烙在了中国知识分子文化印记中,宋代知识分子以入世为儒,出世为道的方式,坚守着他们的精神家园,义无反顾地追求“天人合一”的大道之境。庄老美学有着崇尚自然,追求心灵自由的文化特征和虚静,恬淡,清逸的审美特征。道家美学的这些性格,被宋代的文人士大夫画家们接受并身体力行着,且水到渠成的注入到了艺文创作中。通过对宋代各个时期代表性的工笔花鸟画作品的分析,可以从他们的技法语言、风格样式中解读出宋代文人虚静恬淡的审美心态,淡泊明志的人格风范和他们珍爱生命,主张众生平等的博大胸怀。事实上,在画家们看来,艺术的根本目的是体验“天道”,绘画创作的过程就是“体道”的方式和过程。宋人工笔花鸟画创作是画家与天地万物间心灵的交流,是对自然生命的尊重和赞美。他们看到了花鸟草虫的生命本质,也看到了自身——作为万物之灵的人的生命本质!

【Abstract】 As a ripe branch in painting which formed in its native land, Chinese exquisite brush flowers and birds painting in the Song Dynasty were all effected directly or indirectly by the economics, politics and culture in the Song Dynasty no matter on its style, the constitution, the technique and the subject matter. After united in the North Song Dynasty, the policy of elevating the civilian official and debasing the military officer were carried out, therefore, Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism were developing and blending gradually during the period. The governing class advocated greatly the theory of Confucianism which had become the main stream of the ideas, but the ideas of quiet and inaction of DaD had been engraved in their minds by the Chinese intellectuals, who held fast to their spirits in their own way, they also seek the idea of the oneness of Man and Heaven and take it as a duty not to turn back.The esthetics of Daoism uphold native beauty and seek unrestraining in soul in cultural features. They appreciate the quiet and peace. The characteristics of the esthetics of Dao were accepted and carried out by painters, literati and officildom in the Song Dynasty, what’s more, they were poured into the creature on literature and arts. By analyzing representative exquisite brush flowers and birds painting work of each time of Song Dynasty, we can read their empty and quiet, their indifference to fame or gain from their technique and style. We can also read their treasurelove the life, and advocates all the living things equality.In fact, the view of the painters on the basic purpose of the arts is the experience Natural Law, that the drawing creation is the process and way of experience Dao. The exquisite brush flowers and birds painting creation in the Song Dynasty is the souls’ communication between painters and myriad things in the world. It is the respect and praises to the natural life. They had read the flowers, birds grasses and insect’s life essence, they also read the person’s life essence.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】349

