

College Students’ Management Permeated by Hunmaniatic Eduealion

【作者】 刘绿丝

【导师】 刘旭;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 高校学生管理工作是学校管理的重要组成部分,对学生的身心健康发展有着重要的影响,而人文精神是提升高校学生管理工作的必然要求。因此,透视高校学生管理工作中的人文精神缺失现象,并探究其产生的原因,从而更进一步探讨解决问题的对策就显得尤为必要而且迫切。本文通过采取文献研究、理论研究等方法对当前高校学生管理工作的现状进行分析认为,高校学生管理工作存在着政治思想教育忽视人文关怀、学生日常管理重管束轻发展、学生服务工作认识肤浅措施不力等人文精神缺失的现象。究其原因,本文认为主要在于我国高校学生管理工作深受科学主义思潮的影响,形成了以教师为中心,以僵化的制度为法宝,以管束压制为主要方法的学生管理观。基于这些,本文集中研究如何使高校学生管理工作更具人文性,如何在高校学生管理工作中渗透人文教育,并提出了一些改进高校学生管理工作的建议,包括坚持以人为本的教育观和学生管理观;建立体现人文关怀的学生管理制度;管理过程中重视人的非理性因素,实行人性化管理;采用柔性管理,培养学生的人文精神;同时还要提高提高学生管理工作队伍的人文素质;学校文化建设也应渗透人文精神使学生在潜移默化中受到人文教育,从而自觉地提高自身的人文素养,等等。

【Abstract】 The students’ administration in university is a part of educationalmanagement. Which makes a significant effect on students’ physical andpsychological health. However, the development of humanistic sprit is anecessary demand for improving the efficient of management work. Thus,inspecting the phenomenon of humanistic spirit flowing in themanagement work, and probing into the origin, so as to fatherly get thestrategy of solving this problem shows especially necessary and urgent.This article analyses the present condition posed by collegestudents’ management work, taking the document research and theoreticalresearch as its base.The research show us that: Political educationignores in human’s feeling; students daily management puts onrestraining rather than free development, and the understanding ofstudents’ service come to the surface and so on..The main reason of this phenomenon that our country’s collegestudent management is deeply influenced by scientism trend, whichformed the student management theory by the principal means ofteacher-centered, institutional construction, and supervisions for student.In order to attach it we should focus on improve present studentmanagement to be more humanistic, which the concrete measures asfollows; upholding the "Human-Centered" theory of education andstudent management; Establishing the perfect system of embodyinghuman management; Adopting gently management and cultivatingstudents’ humanistic spirit. At the same time, we should also improvemanagers’ humanistic quality, and college culture construction should also permeate humanistic spirit in the process of transforming influences,thus to improve their humanistic refinement consciously.

  • 【分类号】G647
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】710

