

Syntactic and Semantic Comparison between the Chinese Measure Word "ge个" and Japanese Measure Words "tuつ" and "ko個"

【作者】 肖蓉

【导师】 丁加勇;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “个”是现代汉语中使用范围最广,使用频率最高的一个泛化量词,吕叔湘先生(1980)将之界定为通用个体量词。而日语里有两个量词与之相对应:和语量词“つ/tu”和从汉语里引进的日语量词“佃/ko”。同“个”在现代汉语里的地位相似,日语量词“つ”和“個”在日语里也是很通用的一对量词。由于汉日量词的个案对比尚不多见,至于把汉语量词“个”和日语量词“つ”、“個”放在一起对比研究,则几乎未见。本文着眼于填补空白,以弥补这方面的不足,希望通过对汉语量词“个”和日语量词“つ”、“個”的句法语义对比研究,抛砖引玉,推动汉语通用量词“个”乃至整个汉日量词的句法语义对比研究朝着深入精密的方向更进一步。全文主要分三大章:第一章:主要考察了汉语量词“个”和日语量词“つ”、“個”的由来及称量范围,为我们后两章句法和语义的对比作了背景介绍。第二章:论述了汉语量词“个”和日语量词“つ”、“個”的句法对比。汉语量词“个”在句法上比日语量词“つ”、“個”要强制得多。再由于汉语的基本语序排列是SVO语序,日语语序的典型代表则是SOV语序,使得两者的句法功能有很大不同。第三章:讨论了汉语量词“个”和日语量词“つ”、“個”语义方面的异同。并对三个量词在语法化的影响下,语义演变的轨迹做了详细描述:汉语量词“个”的语义演变的趋势为助词的用法;日语量词“つ”语义演变的趋势为副词的用法;日语量词“個”由于是来自汉语的借词,语义相对稳定。

【Abstract】 In modern Chinese"ge个"is one of the measure words used most broadly and frequently. Mr. Lu Shuxiang (1980) defined it as the general individual measure word. But in Japanese has two measure words to correspond with it: Japanese measure word"tuつ" and Japanese measure word which was introduced from Chinese "ko個". Being similar to "ge个" in the modern Chinese, Japanese measure words"tuつ"and "ko個" in Japanese are also a common pair of measure words. Because the contrast on the case study of the measure words between Chinese and Japanese can not be commonly seen, as for the studies on the contrast between Chinese measure word "ge个" and Japanese measure words "tuつ" and "ko個" nearly has not seen. This article focuses on the blank filling, making up the insufficiency, hoping through the contrast research on the syntax and semantics of the Chinese measure word "ge个" and Japanese measure word "tuつ"and "ko個", some valuable ideas can be offered, which can impel the Chinese general measure word "ge个" and even the entire Chinese-Japanese measure words’ syntax and semantics contrast research to a further step.The thesis consists of three chapters:The first chapter mainly studies the origins and the using scopes of the Chinese measure word "ge个" and Japanese measure words "tuつ" and "ko個", which makes the background introduction to the latter two chapters.Chapter Two contrasts the syntaxes of Chinese classifier "ge个" with the Japanese measure words "tuつ" and "ko個". In the aspects of syntax Chinese measure word "ge个" is limited much more, compared to Japanese measure words "tuつ" and "ko個". And since Chinese basic word order is SVO and Japanese is SOV, the two syntactic functions have too many differences. The third chapter discusses the similarities and differences in the sematic aspect of Chinese measure word "ge个" and Japanese measure words"tuつ" and "ko個". And to three measure words which were under the grammatic influence, the semantics changing path were made the detailed description: the semantics tendency of Chinese measure word "ge个" is to auxiliary; Japanese measure word "tuつ" to adverb; and the semantics of Japanese measure word "ko個" is relatively stable, because it comes from Chinese.

  • 【分类号】H36;H146.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1101

