

On the Content of the Textbook Deviating from Curriculum Criterion

【作者】 凌敏

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 课程改革是一个系统工程,涉及到课程标准的研制和教科书的编写等方面。目前,随着国家基础教育课程教材改革不断深入地进行,教科书“一标多本”的现象,引起了众多教育工作者的关注。“为什么同一课程标准下,不同版本教科书会存在差异?它们是不是偏离了课程标准?教科书内容如何充分体现课程标准呢?基于这些问题的思考,本文利用文本分析法,以初中历史教科书为研究对象,重点考查教科书内容对课程标准的负向偏离,并提出相应对策与思考。文章分为四个部分:第一部分为“引论”。这部分说明了教科书内容对课程标准的偏离,既有正向偏离,也有负向偏离,本文意欲“挑刺”,着力探究后者。另外,对本研究的目的、现状、思路及方法进行概述。第二部分为“教科书内容偏离课程标准的评判依据”。这部分指出了课程标准和教科书编制的基本理论是评判教科书内容偏离课程标准的主要依据,并对其进行分析与介绍。第三部分为“教科书内容偏离课程标准的现状考查”。这部分以初中历史教科书为例,着力考查教科书内容偏离课程标准之现状。由于课程标准目标预设与表述模糊的局限,以及教科书编者目标意识不强等理解与表达能力的局限,教科书内容在选择、组织和表达方面产生了种种偏离课程标准的现象。第四部分为“减少教科书内容偏离课程标准的对策与思考”。首先完善课程标准,加强目标的可操作性;其次,正确理解课程标准,保证教科书内容充分体现课程标准;第三,完善教科书审查,保证教科书编写质量;第四,建立完善的教科书评价体系,提高教科书编制质量;最后,建立教科书竞争机制,实现教科书多样化。

【Abstract】 Curriculum reform is a systemic construction; it involvedresearch of curriculum criterion and edition of textbook. Atpresent, with the continuous development of the countryelementary education curriculum teaching material reform, thephenomenon "a sign are many this" about textbook causeattention by many educational workers. Under the samecurriculum criterion, why are there so much difference betweenthe textbooks of different versions? Are they deviated from thecurriculum criterion? How to completely embody curriculumcriterion in the content of the textbook? Based on thinkingabout these questions, the paper analyzed junior middle schoolhistory textbook by means of text analysis method. The researchput forth effort in the negative deviances of the content ofthe textbook from curriculum criterion and some countermeasurewere given.The paper is divided into four parts:Part one is about "introduction". It describes there arepositive and negative deviances of the content of the textbookfrom curriculum criterion. In order to find fault, the researchput forth effort in the latter. Moreover it summarizes onresearch goal, present situation, research process andresearch methods.Part two is about "the judgment basis about the devianceof the content of the textbook from curriculum criterion."Curriculum criterion and the basic theory of textbookestablishment is the main judgment basis. Part three is about "the present situation of the contentof the textbook deviating from the curriculum criterion." Itinspects the deviances by the example of junior middle schoolhistory textbooks. The deviance appears because of limitationof curriculum criterion and textbook editor.Part four is about "strategies to reducing the deviancesof the content of textbook from curriculum criterion." First,perfect curriculum criterion, reinforce the operation ofcurriculum criterion; Second, understand curriculum criterion,embody curriculum criterion; Third, perfect the examination oftextbook, guarantee the quality; The fourth, set up a perfecttextbook evaluation system, improve the quality; The last, setup competitive system, realize textbook diversification.

  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】488

