

Research on the Super Industry Strategy of Hunan Province in "Rising of the Central Regions Strategy"

【作者】 王辉

【导师】 刘茂松;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 产业经济学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 “中部崛起战略”自2004年3月提出以来,已经经历了2年的发展。面对“中部崛起战略”这一良好契机,湖南能否抓住机遇,实现经济的跨越式发展,成为值得关注的问题。产业是经济发展的基石,湖南要实现中部崛起,离不开产业结构的优化。本文借鉴产业经济学、区域经济学、发展经济学以及计量经济学的有关理论,以湖南省的超级产业选择为研究对象,在国内外已有的研究成果基础上,联系湖南省的实际,进行理论研究和实证分析。本文首先介绍了超级产业这一产业结构领域的新概念,比较了超级产业与主导产业,超级产业与产业集群之间的异同,分析了超级产业的特点和作用,认为超级产业是一个国家或地区最具有创新能力的部分,它对其它产业具有较强的前向、后向联系以及旁侧效应;它对国民经济的技术贡献率也比较高。因此,发展超级产业能够促进以竞争优势为核心的赶超能力的形成。然后对湖南的产业结构状况进行了系统的分析,包括自身的纵向比较和与中部其他五省的横向比较,找出湖南产业发展的优劣。然后围绕湖南超级产业的选择展开研究,一是以工业化反梯度推移理论作为理论指导。二是建立了超级产业选择的模型,通过定量分析的方法,结合湖南省的省情,兼顾产业升级原则和产业发展的外部约束条件,我们最后确定专用设备制造业和普通机械制造业为主的工程机械产业为现阶段湖南省超级产业。三是探索了超级产业的发展思路,认为应当围绕工程机械产业发展产业集群,推进“长株潭一体化”和“3+5城市群”建设,为超级产业的发展提供空间支撑。最后呼吁政府制定相应的产业发展政策来培育和扶持超级产业的发展。

【Abstract】 The rising of the central regions strategy has witnessed2-year development after it was raised since 3 March, 2004. Itwill concern us that whether Hunan can seize the opportunityto realize great-leap-forward economic development whenconfronting this good opportunity. Since industry is thefoundation of economic development, the optimization ofindustrial structure willbe helpful to the realization of theobjective of prospering in the middle area of Hunan.Aiming at the choice of super industry in Hunan province,this thesis presents theoretical research as welt as empiricalstudy with the practice in Hunan based on the research resultsboth at home and abroad in view of relevant theories of industryeconomics, regional economics, development economics andeconometric :models.First this thesis introduces the new concept of superindustry in the field of industry construction to give both thesimilarities and differences of super industry.and leadingindustry together with super industry and industry cluster, andanalyze characteristics and effects of super industry,believing that it has a great forward and backward connectionand combination effect t.o other industries which contributesa lot to the technology of national economy. Accordingly, thedevelopment of super industry will advance the formation offorging ahead ability focused on competitive advahtage.Then it gives a systematic analysis of industryconstruction in Hunan, including longitudinal comparison ofits own and parallel comparison with other 5 provinces to findoutadvantages and disadvantages of industrial development in Hu Nan. On the basis of research on the choice of super industryin Hu Nan, this thesis is firstly directed by the strategy ofanti-gradeindustrialization. Then the super industry choicemodel is established and by combining the principle ofupgrading industry together with exterior restrainingconditions of industrial development with the practice in Hunanon the basis of quantitative analysis, we determine theengineering mechanical industry as the present super industryin Hunan keeping the special equipment manufacturing industryand the general machinery manufacturing industry in dominantposition. Thirdly, by exploring the development way of superindustry, it holds that we should advance the construction ofChang-Zhu-Tan integration and 3+5 city cluster based on theengineering mechanical industry cluster to supply spatialsupport for the development of super industry. At last it asksthe government to set up relevant industrial developmentpolicies to foster and give aid to the development of superindustry.

【关键词】 湖南超级产业中部崛起
【Key words】 Hunansuper industrythe rising of the central regions
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】215

