

The Exploratory of the NGOs’ Function in the Construction of the Service Style Government

【作者】 姚晖宇

【导师】 黄寿德;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 行政管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 从20世纪70年代以来,世界上许多国家的公共服务体系出现了市场化趋势,同时非政府组织在公共服务领域得到极大发展,在党的十六大和十六届三中全会正式提出“服务型政府”而服务型政府建设是一项系统工程,政府是社会系统之中的一部分,在这个系统之中的各个部分之间是相互影响的,这就必须发挥非政府组织在系统之中的应有功能。非政府组织具有在承受风险、创新性、社会沟通等方面有自身的职能优势。通过对非政府组织的建设可以有效促进政府组织的效率化、责任化、民主化、法制化,对服务型政府建设产生推动和促进作用。另外,非政府组织在一定层面上讲也是政府的一个治理工具,将非政府组织纳入社会公共治理的范畴之内可以更好的创造社会资本,承接政府职能的转移,促进社会民主化,整合社会资源等等作用。非政府组织可以有效的实现公共利益与集体或者个人等多元利益的结合,非政府组织的整合功能有利于降低政府的行政成本。同时,非政府组织的这种公共精神,既主张公民社会平衡、制约国家权力,又赞同与国家的密切合作,赋予政府权威的必要新和合法性。其发展将有力的推动服务型政府建设步伐,这也是实现政府、社会协调发展的必须。同时,政府对于非政府组织的利用也是对于社会资源的一种整合利用。这对于增强政府自身的治理能力和治理水平,增强政府的合法性,提升我国政府的竞争力方面的作用是不可忽视的。有益于实现政府在公共产品供给上的多样性、高效性,保证政府过程的法制性、责任性,促进政府政策的科学性、民主性,而这些都是服务型政府的内涵所在,因此,我们可以说非政府组织在服务型政府建设以及实现之中的作用将是不可或缺的。但是,非政府组织目前也存在着财政、能力、管理等方面的问题,需要加以完善,这方面的机制建设对于其功能的实现也是不可忽视的。

【Abstract】 From the 70’s of last century, the Non-GovernmentOrganizations has got a great development in the public service field.Our party has advanced the construction of "Service StyleGovernment". This construction can promote the government’sefficiency, responsibility, democratic rate and legality rate, therefore,can promote the construction of the service style government. TheNGOs can make the combination of the public interest and the privateinterest come true and in this way to reduce the administration cost.The public spirit of the NGOs’ advocate the balance of the civilsociety and the restriction the country’s power, favour the cooperationwith the government, endow the government standard necessity andlegality, he development of the NGOs will propel the step of theconstruction of the service style government.This paper is divided into eight parts:The first part: elaborates the background and sense of theresearch, summarizes the development of the research in our countryand in other countries. Poses the value of NGOs in constructing theService Style Government.The second part: compares and analyzes the inter-sense of theNGOs and the Service Style Government, find out the way that theNGOs can do in the construction.The third part: introduces the NGOs’ functional superiority inrisk-bearing, innovation and social-communication. Raises the specialfunction of the NGOs in the construction.The fourth part: elucidates the promoting sense of the NGOs inrealizing the limited-government, responsible government andhigh-efficiency government in the angle of the inter-meaning of theconstruction. The fifth part: discusses the relationship between the NGOs andthe construction of the Service Style Government in the aspect ofcompetition, cooperation and supplementary. Further explained thefunction of the NGOs in the construction.The sixth part: analyzes the realization of the NGOs’ value in theconstruction and their advantages in the politic, economic and society. The seventh part: analyzes the NGOs inter problems; points outthe problems exist in the aspects of legal status, management abilityand the lack of fund. Raises the suggestions in the NGOs’onsummation and development.The eighth part: analyzes the mechanism construction of therealization of the NGOs’ function from the interior and exterior side.Develop their ability during the government’s mechanism of legalsystem, finance and inspector general, what’s more, the promotion oftheir own ability of management and the perfection of the service soas to promote the construction of the Service Style Government

  • 【分类号】D632
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】926

