

The Application of Knowledge Management in the Tourism Development and Management of Yueyang Zhangguying

【作者】 江波

【导师】 郑焱;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市化进程的加快,人们越来越希望能够摆脱城市的喧嚣获得片刻的舒缓和宁静,去寻找人类发展的古老足迹,获得人性的回归。湖南岳阳张谷英村古村落作为一种具有独特自然景观特征和人文内涵的乡村人文景观,由于地理位置上的终端性基本上保存了400—500年前的历史风貌,是优美自然景观和原生态民俗风情的完美结合,符合了人们的需求,因此越来越受到人们的青睐。同时,古村落的旅游开发作为一种带动当地经济发展、保护文物和民俗的有效手段引起了各方关注。毋庸讳言,在以岳阳张谷英村为代表的一大批古村落的开发和管理中尚存在着一系列问题,如生态环境恶化,文化物质载体遭到破坏;原生民俗文化逐渐瓦解;旅游产品开发深度不足,营销力度薄弱;管理开发简单粗糙等,影响了其可持续发展。因此,为了对岳阳张谷英村古村落的旅游开发和管理实践提供理论上的指导,使其在更好地满足游客需求的同时实现可持续发展,对岳阳张谷英村古村落新的开发和管理方法、模式的探讨具有深远意义。文章首先阐述了本文研究的意义、内容和方法;接着梳理了学术界对于古村落和知识管理的研究现状以及相关概念的解读;第三部分是实证研究部分,通过对张谷英村的现状进行分析,指出了实施知识管理的必要性,提出对知识进行科学、系统的管理是解决问题的关键所在;第四部分着力于构建岳阳张谷英村古村落旅游开发知识管理系统,并将其分为主要活动和辅助活动两大类;最后基于前文分析的基础上得出相应结论。本文运用管理学理论,建立岳阳张谷英村古村落知识管理模型,深入研究促进张谷英村古村落可持续发展的管理方法,着重强调运用知识管理对张谷英村文化资源的管理和开发,以期运用新的适合其特点的管理方法对其实践进行一定的可行性指导。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of cities, people want to get rid of hurly to get moment peace and leisure, to looking for old-aged track of humankind’s development. Yueyang Zhangguying ancient village is a kind of country human sight both having unique characteristic of nature sight and human connotation. Because the village is closed from outside, its original view is preserved almost. This meets people’s needs and is popular. As a method of accelerating the development of the economy, tourism development gets attentions from all aspects. But there are many problems making it can’t develop continually, such as, the deterioration of ecological environment; the damage of culture material; the collapse of folk culture; the inadequate in development of tourism products; the Methods of management and exploixtion is Simply and roughly.Thoroughly, in order to give a theoretic instruction in tourism development and management practice of Yueyang Zhangguying old village, and meet tourists’ needs, this paper has great meanings.Firstly the author proposes the significance and methods of the research, its content and study framework. Secondly, aggregate the status of ancient village tourism and knowledge management, and then, Explaine the related Concepts. The third part is the research on positive. Take Zhangguying old village as an example, firstly, it analyses the present condition of Yueyang Zhangguying old village, point out the necessity of constructing knowledge management System in Zhangguying old village; and then, put forward that the key Solution is manage knowledge scientifically and systemic. The fourth part is the plan & design of construction knowledge management System. The System concludes two parts: main activities and assistant activities. The fifth part is the conclusion. The author summarizes and explores the main achievements of this thesis as well as work to be done for further improvement.The paper construct a mode of knowledge management in Yueyang Zhangguying old village, study management method to promote continuable development in Yueyang Zhangguying old village. The application of knowledge management in the management and development of Zhangguying old village culture resources is emphasized. Using the new management method, author expects the paper is feasible and can conduct practice more or less.

  • 【分类号】F592;F272
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】289

