

On the Disputes Solution in International Government Procurement Contract by Employing ADR

【作者】 孙琦

【导师】 肖北庚;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 国际法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 国际政府采购制度是在全球经济一体化的大环境下,随着各个国家间经济联系变得日益密切,而在一般政府采购制度上发展起来的。它是在“公法遁入私法”的趋势下,为了适应现代行政的要求,借鉴私法的方法和私法规则于传统公法领域而新出现的行政权运用的新方法。论文以国际政府采购制度,尤其是国际政府采购合同中,所体现的公法、私法两种因素相互交织的综合性为探讨的基础,以纠纷解决制度应该和国际政府采购制度的性质相协调为出发点,以国际政府采购合同为切入点,通过分析国际政府采购合同及其所引发的纠纷的性质和特征,审视和评价现有的纠纷解决机制,提出了将以仲裁等为代表的ADR引入到国际政府采购合同纠纷解决当中的观点,以期同现有的纠纷解决方法一同构建一个与国际政府采购制度的综合性相适应的多元纠纷解决机制。此外,对运用ADR解决国际政府采购合同纠纷时应该适用的具体原则、适用范围、对象、方法等技术性问题,也进行了初步的探讨。

【Abstract】 The international government procurement has build upon thegeneral government procurement under the economic globalization, inwhich economic relations between countries become closer. Under theinfluence of the contemporary practice of integrating public laws intoprivate laws, Chinese government has set up the government procurementsystem. The new system, in order to meet the requirements of modernadministration, applies the methods and regulations of private laws to thetraditional domain of public laws. Based on the international governmentprocurement system, especially on the comprehensive research ofinteraction between the government law and private law in theinternational government purchasing contract, this thesis starts that thesettlement of disputation should be in accordance with the properties ofgovernment purchasing system, exams and evaluates the presentmechanism of settlement of disputation by analysis of internationalgovernment purchasing contract as well as the nature and features whichare caused by it. Thus this thesis puts forwards that ADR, represented byarbitration etc., could be brought into the settlement of disputation ininternational government purchasing contract so as to construct amechanism for settling the multi-disputations which is adapted to thecomprehensive international government purchasing contract by combing the current methods. The thesis also conducts a brief investigation intosuch technological issues as the principles, application scope, targets andmethods of ADR when it is employed to solve the disputes in governmentprocurement contracts in the international market.

  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】148

