

Ethical Reflections on Social Public Crises Decision-making

【作者】 何思平

【导师】 彭定光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 公共危机自人类社会的诞生起就已经存在。在当今时代,全球化进程、新技术革命与人们的功利化追求,大大地增加了公共危机发生的可能性,公共危机变得愈来愈频繁、复杂。我国正处于社会转型期,也是公共危机多发的时期。由于公共危机会损害个人利益、影响社会秩序和社会发展,因此,如何对待公共危机,就不只是一个公共决策问题,更重要的是一个道德问题。公共危机决策是一种特殊的公共决策,与其他公共决策不同,它在决策的时间方面具有紧迫性、在决策的信息方面具有有限性、在决策的效果方面具有高风险性。要更好地进行公共危机决策,应对和消解公共危机,决策者应该注重公共危机决策的伦理特性,即注重公共危机决策的责任性、合理性和有效性。只有以此为前提,公共危机决策的伦理价值才能得到实现,才能保护个人的生命财产安全、维护社会秩序和促进社会发展。为了实现公共危机决策的伦理特性和伦理价值,公共危机决策主体在进行公共危机决策的过程中就应该考虑和遵循人本原则、公平原则、高效原则以及最少损害原则等四项伦理原则。这四项伦理原则分别从不同的角度和层次向决策者提出了不同的道德要求。要实现公共危机决策的伦理价值,除了坚持四项基本伦理原则之外,还要注意两个方面,一要认真分析和合理地对待公共危机决策过程中所面临的伦理困境,二要使公共危机决策道德化。公共危机决策过程中所面临的伦理困境主要有政府决策与公众参与之间关系方面的伦理困境、代价与效果之间关系方面的伦理困境、不同主体利益之间关系方面的伦理困境。公共危机决策的道德化要求建立公共危机决策的合理程序、确立公共危机决策的道德评价标准和提高公共危机决策主体的道德素质。公共危机是难以避免的,但它并不是完全消极的,相反,它会使整个社会更加理性地对待公共危机给社会及其成员所带来的损害和破坏,合理地治理和化解公共危机,极大地增强政府的责任意识和治理能力,普遍地提高社会成员处理利益关系和认同社会共同价值的能力,从而推进我国社会主义和谐社会的构建。

【Abstract】 Since human society has existed there were social public crises.In this era, the process of globalization、the new revolution oftechnology and people pursuit of utility increase the .possibility ofsocial public crises greatly. Social public crises become morefrequent and complex. China is in a period of social transformation,that is in a special period of social public crises break out frequently.As the crisis will harm public interests and affect the order of societyand social development .How to deal with public crises is a publicpolicy issue, even become a more important moral issue.Social public crises decision-making is a special kind of publicdecision-making that different from many other publicdecision-makings. Social public crises decision-making have threecharacteristics: first, it is urgency in the decision-making time; second,the information in the decision-making is limited; third, the decisionresults in areas of high risk. Make a better social public crisesdecision to deal with social public crises. The decision-makers shouldpay attention to the ethical characteristics of the decision-making,including responsibility, rationality and effectiveness. The ethicalvalues of social public crises decision-making can be realized on thisbase. And protect the personal safety of life and property andmaintaining social order and promoting social development.To achieve the ethical values, the decision-makers should payattention to the ethical characteristics and value of the public crisesdecisions. In the process of decision-making, the makers should obeyto four ethical principles: People-oriented principle, equitableprinciple, efficient principle and at least damage Principle. Differentprinciple have different moral requires.To achieve the ethical values, the decision-makers should payattention to the following points: first, analysis the Ethical Dilemmasthat in decision-making process carefully and rationally; second, try tomake public crises decisions moral. There are some mainly ethical dilemmas in the process of social public crises decision-making, theethical dilemma between public participation and governmentdecision-making, the ethical dilemma between cost and effect and theethical dilemma among different interests. The moral public crisesdecisions require to establish reasonable procedures, establish moralstandards and advance the decision-makers moral qualities.It is impossible to avoid the crises, but crises are not completelynegative, instead, it would make the government adopt a more rationalway to deal with public crises ,enhance the sense of responsibility andgovernance capacity greatly, improved relations between the membersof society to address the common values and social recognition, thusbuilding a harmonious society of socialism in our country.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】430

