

Analysing the Power of Speech of the Blog

【作者】 管玄

【导师】 田中阳;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 新闻学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先对博客的概念及起源发展作了阐析,接着界定了个人话语权的概念,然后围绕个人博客话语的实现、限制和博客话语的发展趋势进行分析,同时分析了博客对BBS和个人主页两种网络媒介在话语方面的突破,强调博客在个人话语权的实现上有着传统媒介无法比拟的优势。在带来“个人话语权的春天”的同时,博客自身在话语权建设上也存在一定的缺陷,导致其被滥用的状况出现,这不利于个人话语权的实现。最后得出结论,博客是一把双刃剑,所以,对待博客这幅“权利的新脸孔”,既不能以法律名义一否了之——那将是僵化的;也不能因为其难以控制而完全放任自流——那将是危险的。我所选择的这个研究课题,具有一定的前瞻性。本文主要是从话语权的角度进行个案分析,主要采用个案分析法、文献分析法与资料分析等方法来进行研究,旨在通过对博客的分析研究,找到个人话语权内在的规律性。

【Abstract】 The paper first explains and analyses the concept and origin of theblog, after which it defines the individual right of discourse. The subject ofthis paper is concentrated on the ristricts, realise and developmentprospects of blog discourse. Compared with the traditional media, such asbbs and personal web page, the blog has uncomparable advantages andachieved great breakthrough in discourse, which brings us "the spring ofpower of speech ". Meanwhile, the paper reveals the shortcomings of theblog that lead to abuses of the right,and that can’t be ignored.Finally, thepaper draws a conclusion that the blog is a double-edged sword. Therefore,it is too rigid for us to negate the blog, a new face of rights ,in the name oflaws ; also ,it’s too dangerous for us to let things drift.The value of this paper in theories and practice lies in its scientificprediction.The paper choses the right of discourse as it theoretic perspective andresearch methods include case study, document analysis and data analysis,hoping to obtain the inherent law by analyzing and researching the blog.

【关键词】 博客个人话语权实现与制衡
【Key words】 the blogpower of speechrealize and balance
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】390

