

A Study on the Problem of the Lack of Integrity among University Students and the Countermeasures Against It

【作者】 许辉

【导师】 李培超;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2006, 硕士

【摘要】 诚信是中华民族的传统美德,是做人的基本准则,也是我国公民的基本道德规范。但随着改革开放的逐步深入和社会主义市场经济的进一步发展,各行各业不同程度地出现了诚信缺失现象,这种现象已波及到了大学校园,大学生的诚信正面临着前所未有的挑战。大学生是未来社会的建设者和接班人,他们的诚信状况将会对我国的社会生活和经济建设产生重大的影响。大学生的诚信问题已引起了人们普遍的关注。基于此,本文试图研究大学生诚信缺失行为的现状,探讨大学生诚信失范的原因,为预防和减少大学生诚信失范行为,增强大学生诚信素养提出建议和对策。本文除了引言外,包括三部分:第一部分:诚信及大学生诚信的内涵。该部分主要包括诚信的内涵、历史发展,大学生诚信的内涵及其具体体现。第二部分:大学生诚信缺失现状分析。该部分通过对长沙地区四所高校大学生诚信状况的问卷调查,分析了大学生诚信缺失主要表现在政治信仰、学习、经济、就业、交往、日常生活等六方面,并进一步探讨了大学生诚信缺失的主客观原因及其危害性。第三部分:解决大学生诚信缺失问题的对策研究。该部分针对大学生诚信缺失的现状及其原因,立足于改善大学生诚信状况,提高大学生诚信品质,健全大学生诚信道德人格,提出了具体的对策建议。本文以诚信教育为切入点,以诚信氛围营造为前提,以诚信制度建设为保障,力图构建一个包括社会、学校、家庭三位一体的诚信教育体系。

【Abstract】 Integrity is a traditional Chinese virtue, a fundamental standard ofhuman behavior, and a basic moral criterion of Chinese citizens. However,with the gradual penetration of the policy of reform and opening-up andthe further development of the socialistic market economy, thephenomenon of lack of integrity has emerged, to various degrees, in allwalks of life. It has spread to university campuses and has become anunprecedented challenge for university students. University students’integrity level will have a great impact on social life and economicconstruction because they are the constructors and successors of ourfuture society. The problem of university students’ integrity has attractedthe close attention of the public.The paper attempts to study the lack of integrity behavior amonguniversity students and discuss the possible underlying reasons, in orderto provide suggestions and countermeasures for reducing and preventingthe lack of integrity behavior among university students and enhance theirintegrity level. Apart from the introduction, the paper includes thefollowing three parts:Part one: the meaning of integrity and university students’ integrity.This part mainly includes the meaning of integrity and its historicaldevelopment, and the meaning and manifestation of university students’integrity.Part two: the situation of lack of integrity among university studentsand its analysis. By using a survey of students from four universities inChangsha, it demonstrated that lack of integrity among universitystudents exists mainly in six areas, including ideal and belief, study,economy, work, interpersonal relationship, and everyday life. It furtherexplores the possible objective and subjective reasons underlyinguniversity students’ lack of integrity, and analyzes its dangers to society.Part three: suggestions for resolving university students’ lack of integrity. Based on the situation and underlying reasons of universitystudents’ lack of integrity, this part proposes concrete suggestions andcountermeasures, in order to improve their integrity situation, raise theirintegrity level and develop their healthy moral personality. Usingintegrity education as the starting point, creating an atmosphere ofintegrity as the premise and building an integrity system as the guarantee,this paper aims to construct a trinity system of integrity education,including society, university and family.

【关键词】 大学生诚信诚信缺失对策
【Key words】 university studentsintegritylack of integritycountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】639

